Penjelasan dan Contoh Banner, Brochure, Poster, Pamphlet Terlengkap - Penjelasan dan Contoh Banner, Brochure, Poster, Pamphlet Terlengkap. Pada postingan kali ini saya akan membagikan artikel tentang Perbedaan Brochure, Banner, Poster, Pamphlet beserta contoh. Mungkin anda sering melihat beberapa sarana iklan atau promosi tersebut, namun disinia saya akan menjelaskan perbedaan antara functional text tersebut. Pada masing-masing penjelasan saya akan memberikan contoh agar anda dapat lebih mudah memahaminya. Baiklah, langsung saja kita menuju ke pembahasannya.
Read the text carefully and choose the best answer of each questions!
1. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To tell us about English Course
B. To advertise a English Course
C. To promote about English Contest
D. To describe a English Contest
2. Which one is TRUE!
A. Registration will be opened June 15
B. Registration will be closed June 13
C. The poster about English course
D. The contest will be running in four days
3. The poster promote about several contests, except
A. Speech contest
B. Reading news contest
C. Poetry contest
D. Debate contest
4. "Win prizes" the closest meaning of underlined words....
A. Win a prize
B. Get an award
C. There is no reward
D. There are several prizes
Banner is a flag or other piece of cloth bearing a symbol, logo, slogan or other message. Banner adalah salah satu media promosi yang dicetak dengan Print Digital yang umumnya berbentuk Potrait atau Vertikal. Banner biasanya dilengkapi simbol, logo, slogan, atau pesan lainnya. Banner juga sering disebut sebagai Spanduk dan Baliho.Baca Juga
Football Competition | |
July 21, 22 and 23, 2016 Batam, Indonesia LOTS & LOTS OF PRIZES Cost Rp. 100.000,00/Team Register July, 19th 2016 |
Brochure is a single set of paper to give information, to promote or to advertise something. Brosur adalah lembaran tipis berbentuk cetakan yang bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi, untuk mempromosikan atau untuk mengiklankan sesuatu.TAPUIH HOTEL | |
Looming High and Majestic Our ideal location makes it a top choice for business and travelers. Comprehensive facilities covering private boardrooms, a world-class private lounge and impeccable guest rooms will leave you with little else to desire. If that’s not enough, our blend of prompt efficiency and personalized service will surely win you over. It’s all here to enjoy like never before-all you have to do. To make a reservation, please call Tapuih Hotel, Padang at (022)55554448 or visit our website at Register July, 19th 2016 |
Poster is any piece of printed paper designed to be attached to a wall or vertical surface. Poster merupakan karya seni atau desain grafis yang memuat komposisi gambar dan huruf di atas kertas berukuran besar.STOP! GLOBAL WARMING | |
Do the "RIGHT" thing with what's "LEFT" of our Planet SAVE OUR EARTH |
Pamphlet is an unbound booklet (that is, without a hard cover or binding). It may consist of a single sheet of paper that is printed on both sides and folded in half, in thirds, or in fourths (called a leaflet). Pamflet adalah tulisan yang dapat disertai dengan gambar atau tidak, tanpa penyampulan maupun penjilidan, yang dicantumkan pada selembar kertas di satu sisi atau kedua sisinya, lalu dilipat atau dipotong setengah, sepertiga, atau bahkan seperempatnya, sehingga terlihat lebih kecil (dapat juga disebut selebaran).Tapuih Cafe | |
Established in 1990, Tapuih Cafe is the grooviest place on the planet for tasty Hamburgers and Fried Rice. HAMBURGERS |
Read the text carefully and choose the best answer of each questions!
1. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To tell us about English Course
B. To advertise a English Course
C. To promote about English Contest
D. To describe a English Contest
2. Which one is TRUE!
A. Registration will be opened June 15
B. Registration will be closed June 13
C. The poster about English course
D. The contest will be running in four days
3. The poster promote about several contests, except
A. Speech contest
B. Reading news contest
C. Poetry contest
D. Debate contest
4. "Win prizes" the closest meaning of underlined words....
A. Win a prize
B. Get an award
C. There is no reward
D. There are several prizes
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