Daftar Idiom Bahasa Inggris Lengkap Abjad Y

AdminDapodik.com - Daftar Idiom Bahasa Inggris Lengkap Abjad Y. Dalam mempelajari Idiom, hal yang harus dipahami adalah Apakah Idiom itu? Idiom merupakan satuan-satuan bahasa (bisa berupa kata, frase, maupun kalimat) yang maknanya sudah menyatu dan tidak dapat ditafsirkan dengan makna unsur yang membentuknya. Jadi, cara untuk dapat memahaminya adalah dengan mengenal dan menghapalkannya. Berikut ini saya jelaskan beberapa contoh Idiom yang dimulai dari abjad Y.

NoIdiom dan ArtinyaExamples
1.Yah boo sucks

MenyebalkanWell we're watching it anyway, so yah boo sucks to you.
2.Yank my chain

Baca Juga

Melecehkan seseorangI won? Seriously? Are you yanking my chain?
3.Yell bloody murder 

Mengeluh terlaluThe protest started out peaceful, but as it degraded more and more, the crowds began to yell bloody murder.
4.Yellow journalism 

Journalism sensasional dan akurasi dipertanyakanThis paper is practising yellow journalism with its reports on sex scandals.
5.Yellow streak

Sangat tidak beraniSome people say Jimmy's got a yellow streak in the case.

PengecutHe doesn't deserve to be a jerk. He's a yellow-bellied bastard!

Mendapatkan hasrat atau keinginanI'm getting a yen for something sweet, let's go out for ice cream!
8.Yeoman's service

Baik, berguna atau layanan cekatanHis trusty sword did him yeoman's service.

Mengatakan setuju pada seseorangI don't want a yes-man. I want someone who'll tell me the truth. 
10.Yesterday's man or Yesterday's woman 

Seseorang yang mencapai puncak karirBob is never going to give up his cushy job, he's yesterday's man.
11.You are what you eat 

Menekankan pentingnya diet yang baikWhy do you eat so much bad stuff like pizza? You are what you eat, you know.
12.You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar 

Mendapatkan demgan sopan Just be polite when you ask for something. You know, you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.
13.You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink 

Seperti nasihat yang baikHe said that you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.
14.You can say that again 

Sangat setujuYou can say that again about the delicious food in the restaurant.
15.You can't fight City Hall 

Tidak ada cara untuk menang dalam pertempuran melawan birokrasiI want to tell you that I gave up. can't fight city hall.
16.You can't have your cake and eat it 

Anda tidak dapat memiliki keduannyaYou can't have very low taxes and a high standard of state care. You can't have your cake and eat it
17.You can't hide elephants in mouse holes 

Masalah tidak dapat disembunyikanAccording to me you can't hide elephants in mouse holes.
18.You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear

Produk yang baik dengan bahan yang berkualitasTo make chairs you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.
19.You can't take it with you

Menikmati hidupGo ahead and buy the fancier car; you can't take it with you.
20.You can't teach an old dog new tricks 

Susah merubah seseorangYou can't teach an old dog new tricks, you know.
21.You can't un-ring a bell 

Sesuatu telah dilakukan dan menerima konsekuensiYou have done, so you can't un-ring a bell to you.
22.You could have knocked me down with a feather 

Terkejut akan sesuatu yang terjadiI only entered for a joke and I won first prize. You could have knocked me down with a feather.
23.You do not get a dog and bark yourself 

Tidak masuk akal untuk melakukan pekerjaan itu sendiri.If you believe that you don't keep a dog and bark yourself.
24.You get what you pay for 

Perbuatab menentukan hasilYou know what they say, you get what you pay for.
25.You reap what you sow

Karma berlakuWatch the way you live your life because you reap what you sow
26.You said it!

Setuju dengan apa yang baru dikatakanHow stupid of me to lend him that money! "You said it!"
27.You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours

Anda akan membantu mereka jika mereka akan membantu andaI suggested that if you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours.
28.You're toast

Seseorang dalam kesulitan besarOh no! You broke his favourite autographed hockey stick you're toast.
29.You've got rocks in your head

Menjadi konyol atau gilaShe has got rocks in her head if she thinks that.
30.Young blood

Anak muda memberikan ide-ide baruThese companies are suffering from a lack of young blood.
31.Young Turk

Anak muda kontroversialThe young Turks are acting up again.
32.Your belly button is bigger than your stomach

Tanggung jawab diluar batas kemampuanI think his belly button is bigger than his stomach.
33.Your call

KeputusanmuIt's your call, just say what you want.
34.Your name is mud

Orang lain marah dengan kamuIf he doesn't turn up tonight, his name will be mud.
35.Your sins will find you out

Hal yang salah akan diketahuiHe usually cheats his customers by selling duplicate material, his sins will find out.

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