NARRATIVE TEXT FABLE: Cerita Kancil dan Harimau
NARRATIVE TEXT FABLE: Cerita Kancil dan Harimau
NARRATIVE TEXT fABLE: Cerita Kancil dan Harimau – Cerita fable si kancil cukup populer dikalangan anak-anak karena sifat kancil yang pintar sekaligus mengecoh. Meski begitu, tahukah bahawa cerita fable the story of mouse deer and tiger ini bisa dimasukkan sebagai contoh narrative text juga?
Cerita kancil dan harimau dalam bahasa inggris ini adalah lanjutan dari cerita petualangan si kancil sebelumnya yaitu the story of mouse deer and elephant yang juga bisa dikategorikan sebagai narrative text. Baiklah langsung saja kita lihat kepiawaian si kancil dalam menghadapi masalahnya.
Narrative Text – The story of Mouse Deer and Tiger
Cerita Kancil dan Harimau sebagai contoh narrative text fable
When the mouse deer came next to the rive, a tiger approached him and wanted to eat him. Of course the mouse deer tried to escape, but the tiger run faster and caught him. In that dangerous situation the mouse deer thought hard how to escape the tiger. Then he got idea and said to the tiger, “Listen! Your mightiness and toughness are all great! But I have my own king. He has a greater strength than yours! I am sure that nobody can match his powers!” Because the tiger felt taunted, he declared that he would challenge the mouse deer’s king.
Next the mouse lead the tiger to the river, and said, “Now Look at the water. You will see my king” Foolishly the tiger looked in the river and surely saw another tiger in the water. Then he growled, but the tiger in the river imitated to growl too. Because of his too high self pride, the tiger jumped into the water, and wanted to fight. He was believing there was another tiger in the water.
The mouse deer took that opportunity to escape. After fighting with himself in the river, the tiger realized that he was fooled by the mouse deer.
Bagaimana? Menarik bukan cerita fable diatas? Dalam belajar narrative text, disadari atau tidak akan sering sekali berkeenaan dengan cerita hewan. Fable memang menjadi contoh favorit ketika belajar jenis teks cerita.
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