Example of Procedure Text – How To Tie a Neck Tie
Example of Procedure Text – How To Tie a Neck Tie
Procedure text are written to show how to do things completely, such as how to make fried rice, how to make a pencil case, etc. Today, we have a very short example of procedure text. That is how to tie a neck. Though it is very short but this sample fulfills the requirement of generic structure.
The example of procedure text bellow is the instruction on how to tie a neck tie. Remember that a procedure or instruction text is commonly arranged in imperative sentences. Let’s see the following example of a procedure text. This procedure or instruction text is about how to tie a neck tie, the half windsor knot
How to Tie a Neck Tie
First of all, start with the wide end on your right. Extend it about 12″ below the narrow end.
Secondly, cross the wide end over the narrow, and back underneath.
Then, bring the wide end up, and turn down through loop.
After that, pass the wide end around to the front from your left to right.
Then, bring the wide end up through the loop.
Finally, pull the wide end through the knot in front. Tighten and draw up to collar.
Now we have to make a note on that text’s generic structure. What is that? Every procedure text is organized with the structure below
1. Goal: What the writer’s goal in writing the text is commonly stated in the tittle.
How to Tie a Neck Tie
2. Material: Some procedure texts exclude the list of materials as it is not very important.
3. Steps: What is the complete steps to make the thing is stated orderly based on the function.
start with the wide end, cross the wide end over the narrow, bring the wide end up, pass the wide end around to the front, bring the wide end up, pull the wide end through the knot in front. Tighten and draw up to collar.
That is all about the example of procedure text how ti tie a neck tie. Understanding the procedure text is very important as this text is written functionally. When you buy a new product. Most of the time, it is give the manual installation. That is one of the form of a procedure text.
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