Kumpulan Soal Letter Text SMP dan Pembahasan

AdminDapodik.com - Kumpulan Soal Letter Text SMP dan Pembahasan. Letter Text adalah salah satu jenis teks yang berupa sarana komunikasi tertulis yang digunakan untuk menyampaikan informasi dari suatu pihak kepada pihak lain. Kumpulan soal Letter berikut ini saya kumpulkan dari berbagai naskah soal UN Bahasa Inggris SMP. Untuk lebih jelasnya Anda bisa kunjungi link berikut ini Pembahasan Soal UN Bahasa Inggris SMP dan SMA (2009-2017) Semoga kumpulan soal-soal berikut ini dapat membantu kita untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Read the following text to answer questions number 1 to 4.
Dear Catherine,

I’m sorry I can’t pick you up at the airport but luckily, my friend Steve can (He works at night, so he is free in the morning).

I just want to make sure about the information. Your plane arrives at 11 a.m. on June 25th and your flying on KLN Air #1327. Is that fight?.

I told Steve to look for a woman with two young girls but he wanted more information. Do you look the same? What about your daughters? You shouldn’t have a problem finding Steve at the airport. He’s very tall and thin. He has curly brown hair, mustache, and a beard.

I can’t wait to see you!


1. How many persons will Steve meet at the airport?
     A. One
     B. Two
     C. Three
     D. Four

2. Steve will pick Catherine with her daughters at the airport because ….
     A. He is busy
     B. He is free in the morning
     C. He works at the airport
     D. He wants more information

3. “I can’t wait to see you!” (last sentences)
What does the word “you” refer to?
     A. Catherine
     B. Steve
     C. The writer
     D. Rony

4. “….but luckily my friend Steve can”.
What does the underlined word means?
     A. Accidentally
     B. Actually
     C. Basically
     D. Fortunately

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Pembahasan berikut ini untuk soal nomor 1 sampai 4.
1. Perhatikan kalimat pertama paragraf 3: “I told Steve to look for woman with two young girls...” (saya menyuruh Steve untuk mencari seorang wanita yang bersama dua gadis kecil...) Hal ini berarti, yang akan Steve temui berjumlah 3 orang Three.
Jawaban: C

2. Perhatikan paragraf 1: “I’m sorry 1 can't pick you up at the airport but luckily, my friend Steve can (He works at night, so he is free in the morning)” Dari kalimat-kalimat tersebut, jelas bahwa alasan Steve dapat menjemput Catherine dan kedua anaknya adalah karena dia tidak ada kerjaan di pagi hari He is free in the morning.
Jawaban: B

3. Kata you dalam surat mengacu pada orang yang dituju oleh surat itu. Pertanyaan “Dear Catherine” (Catherine yang terhormat) mengisyaratkan bahwa surat itu ditujukan kepada Catherine.
Jawaban: A

4. Kata "luckily" yang berarti (untungnya), bersinonim dengan kata 'fortunately'. Pilihan lain memiliki anti:
- accidently = secara kebetulan/tidak sengaja,
- actually = sebenarnya, dan
- basically = pada dasarnya.
Sinonim luckily yang tepat adalah Fortunately.
Jawaban: D

Read the following text to answer questions number 5 and 6.
701-235 Sherbrooke St.
Montreal, QC H3C 1L4
January 11, 2011

Dear Dimaz,
All the best for you in the New Year! How are things going in your city? I must say, I am jealous of you. You live in a warm country while I am almost freezing here.

I heard from your aunt that you will work in Bali at the beginning of this year. Is that right? I am happy for you. Your dream comes true. You've always wanted to work in Bali. It must be nice to work in such a beautiful place. I hope everything will be running well. I wish I have a chance to visit you someday.

Write to me whenever you can. I really happy to receive your letters and to get the details of your life in your country especially in Bali.

Your squash buddy,

5. The weather in George's country is cold?
     A. To visit George
     B. To work in Bali
     C. To live in.warm country
     D. To work in a beautiful place

6. From the letter above, we know that ....
     A. The weather in George's country is cold
     B. George doesn't know Dimaz's aunt
     C. Dimaz will start to work in March
     D. George gets a job in Bali

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Pembahasan berikut ini untuk soal nomor 5 dan 6.
5. Coba perhatikan kalimat "I heard from your aunt that you will work in Bali at the beginning of this year. Is that right? I am happy for you. Your dreams come true" Dari kalimat tersebut dapat diketahui bahwa impian Dimaz adalah bekerja di Bali. Pilihan yang tepat adalah To work in Bali.
Jawaban: B

6. Coba simak kalimat "You live in a warm country while I am almost freezing here". Dari kalimat tersebut dapat kita ketahui bahwa negara di mana George tinggal sekarang memiliki suhu yang dingin. Pilihan yang tepat adalah The weather in George's country is cold.
Jawaban: A

Read the following text to answer questions number 7 to 9.
Jl. Merpati 56 Jakarta
January 10th,2013

Dear Mely,

I’m sorry, I haven’t written for so long. My family and I have just returned from an interesting holiday at Lake Maninjau near Padang. The lake was a crater surrounded by dense forests and rice fields. We swam in the lake, ate fish from the lake, and enjoyed the cool breezes.

After that, we had a two hour trip to Bukit Tinggi, a small hill top town which was clean, cool, and friendly. Our trip around the hill took us to the coffee, clove, and cinnamon plantation. The traditional Minangkabau houses, with the roof shaped like a buffalo’s horn can be seen everywhere.

I really enjoy my vacation. Do come over and have a look sometime.


7. What does the text tell you about?
     A. Traditional Minangkabau houses
     B. Traveling guidance for visitors
     C. The amazing view of West Sumatera
     D. A trip throughout West Sumatera

8. Where did the writer and his family go after visiting Lake Maninjau?
     A. Country side
     B. Bukit Tinggi
     C. West Sumatra
     D. A small hill

9. From the text, we know that ….
     A. It took 3 hours from Lake Maninjau to Bukit Tinggi
     B. The journey to Bukit Tinggi could only be done by plane
     C. Maninjau lake was situated far away from the forests and rice fields
     D. The writer and his family visited an interesting place during their holiday

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Pembahasan berikut ini untuk soal nomor 7 sampai 9.
7. Surat tersebut menceritakan pengalaman perjalanan penulis ketika berlibur di Sumatera Barat. Jawaban yang tepat adalah A trip throughout West Sumatera.
Jawaban: D

8. Dan kalimat "After that, we had a two hour trip to Bukit Tinggi,..." kita tahu bahwa setelah dari Danau Maninjau, mereka ke Bukit Tinggi. Jawaban yang tepat adalah Bukit Tinggi.
Jawaban: B

9. Analisa jawaban yang ada yaitu: A. it took 3 hours from Lake Maninjau to Bukit Tinggi, (salah, karena hanya 2 jam) B. the journey to Bukit Tinggi could only be done by plane, (salah, karena mereka melewati perkebunan teh, cengkeh, dan kayu manis, jadi mereka lewat darat) C. Maninjau lake was situated far away from the forests and rice fields (salah, karena danau tersebut dikelilingi oleh hutan dan sawah) D. the writer and his family visited an interesting place during their holiday, (benar, karena mereka mengunjungi tempat yang menarik ketika berlibur). Jawaban yang tepat adalah The writer and his family visited an interesting place during their holiday.
Jawaban: D

Read the following text to answer questions number 10 to 13.
Dear Aldy.

Long time no see, how are you today? I hope you are alright.
Last holiday, my family and I spent one night in the countryside. It is not far from our city and it is not a crowded place. We stayed in a rented wooden house. It was really nice.
At night, we made a small fire in front of the house and sang together. We were very happy. We woke up very late the next morning because we stayed up till after midnight. After lunch my father drove us home.
It was a great holiday. Will you join us next time? See you soon.

Your best friend,

10. The letter tells us about ….
     A. Sandy’s holiday in the countryside
     B. Making a small fire and singing together
     C. Aldy’s favourite place for holiday
     D. A rented wooden house

11. How did Sandy and his family go to the countryside?
     A. By train
     B. By ship
     C. By bus
     D. By car

12. Sandy and his family spent the holiday in the countryside because ….
     A. It was located nearby
     B. They liked crowded place
     C. It was not far from their city
     D. Many people visited the place

13. “Will you join us next time?” What does the word “us” in the sentence refer to?
     A. Aldy and Sandy
     B. Aldy and his friends
     C. Sandy and his family
     D. Sandy and his friends

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Pembahasan berikut ini untuk soal nomor 10 sampai 13.
10. Dalam surat tersebut menceritakan bahwa Sandy telah menjalani liburan di countryside kepada Aldy. Jadi, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah Sandy’s holiday in the countryside.
Jawaban: A

11. Dalam surat Sandy mengatakan “After lunch my father drove us home” (Ayahnyalah yang mengendarai mobil). Jadi, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah By car.
Jawaban: D

12. Sandy juga memberikan alasannya berlibur ke countryside, yaitu “It is not far from our city and it is not a crowded place” (dia memilih disana karena dekat dan tidak padat pengunjung). Jadi, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah It was located nearby.
Jawaban: A

13. Kata “us” tersebut merujuk pada Sandy dan keluarganya. Jadi, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah Sandy and his family.
Jawaban: C

Read the following text to answer questions number 14 and 15.
Palembang, April 21, 2015

Dear Paul,
How are you? It’s been long time since we’ve last met. Well, I just want to tell you that I have a new pocket camera. My uncle, Rudi, arrived from Singapore last month and bought it for me. It is a digital camera. I am very happy. Because of that, I have a new hobby, photography. I bring my camera everywhere and I take pictures of people or something that is interesting for me. Someday, I want to join national or even international photo contest. I’ve already had a number of photos collection by now.
Here, I give you some of my works. Give me your comment about my work. I would like to hear an honest opinion from you.
Well, I think that’s all from me, write to me soon, ok?


14. Nadia  asks Paul to give comment about her pictures because ….
     A. Paul is an honest friend
     B. She just finished her works
     C. She really needs to know the quality of her works
     D. She has taken the picture from an international competition

15. Based on the text we can conclude that ….
     A. Paul is an honest person
     B. Photography is a new hobby for Paul
     C. Nadia joined a photography contest
     D. Nadia didn’t like photography before she had the camera

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Pembahasan berikut ini untuk soal nomor 14 dan 15.
14. Dalam surat, Nadia mengatakan bahwa dia ingin sekali Paul untuk memberikan komentar mcngenai foto-foto hasilnya, karena dia ingin mengetahui kualitas dan hasil kerjanya She really needs to know the quality of her works.
Jawaban: C

15. Dalam surat Nadia mengatakan ”Because of that, I have a new hobby, photography (oleh karena itu, aku jadi punya hobi baru yaitu fotografi. Jadi, sebelum mempunyai kamera Nadia tidak hobi fotografi Nadia didn't like photography before she had the camera. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah Photography is a new hobby for Paul.
Jawaban:  D

Read the following text to answer questions number 16 and 17.
To: Rendy@gmail.com
From: Tyas@gmail.com
Subject: Re-visit plan

Hi Rendy,

I’m happy that you are coming next week.
By the way, you wrote ETA in your last email. I’m wondering what you mean. Could you explain it, please?
I’ll pick you up at the airport. Just give me details of your flight.


16. What is the conclusion taken from the text?
     A. Tyas does not open Rendy’s email
     B. Rendy has given the details of his email
     C. He explains about ‘ETA’ in his email
     D. She will meet with Rendy at the airport

17. How does Tyas feel to know that Rendy is coming?
     A. Sad
     B. Weak
     C. Joyful
     D. Curious

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Pembahasan berikut ini untuk soal nomor 16 dan 17.
16. Untuk mendapatkan kesimpulan dari text bisa kita lihat pada pernyataan "I’ll pick you up at the airport. Just give me details of your flight." (Aku akan menjemput Anda di bandara. Hanya memberi saya rincian penerbangan Anda.) Maka, jawaban yang tepat adalah She will meet with Rendy at the airport.
Jawaban: D

17. Dari pertanyaan "How does Tyas feel to know that Rendy is coming?" (Bagaimana Tyas merasa tahu bahwa Rendy datang?) Jawabannya bisa kita temukan pada kalimat "I’m wondering what you mean. Could you explain it, please?" dari kata "wondering" (bertanya-tanya dalam hati) kita bisa menemukan jawaban Curious.
Jawaban: D

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