Kumpulan Soal Procedure Text SMP dan Pembahasan

AdminDapodik.com - Kumpulan Soal Procedure Text SMP dan Pembahasan. Procedure Text adalah salah satu jenis teks yang mengungkapkan atau menjelasakan bagaimana cara melakukan atau membuat sesuatu. Teks ini sering juga disebut sebagai teks yang berjenis tutorial. Pada postingan kali ini saya akan membagikan tentang Kumpulan Contoh Soal Procedure Text Untuk SMP dan Pembahasan. Kumpulan soal Procedure Text berikut ini saya kumpulkan dari berbagai naskah soal UN Bahasa Inggris SMP. Untuk lebih jelasnya Anda bisa kunjungi link berikut ini Pembahasan Soal UN Bahasa Inggris SMP dan SMA (2009-2017) Semoga kumpulan soal-soal berikut ini dapat membantu kita untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Read the following text to answer questions number 1 to 3.
- 250 cc hot water
- 50 gram instant porridge
- 1 spoon soya sauce
- 1 spoon chili sauce
- Crackers
- 10 gram meat floss

Suggested Preparation
1. Put instant porridge into a bowl.
2. Pour 250 cc hot water, stir well Leave it for about 3 minutes until porridge thickened.
3. Add soya sauce and chili sauce (as much as you like).
4. Then, spread crackers and meat floss The porridge is ready to be served.
1. How much instant porridge do you need to make the meat floss porridge?
     A. 250 cc
     B. 50 gram
     C. 1 spoon
     D. 10 gram

2. What should we do after stirring the porridge?
     A. Put the instant porridge into a bowl
     B. Add soya sauce and chili sauce
     C. Add crackers and meat floss
     D. Wait for about 3 minutes

3. “…until the porridge thickened”.
What is the meaning of the underlined word?
     A. To become solid
     B. To get weak
     C. To raise the volume
     D. To become powder

Lihat Pembahasan

Pembahasan berikut ini untuk soal nomor 1 sampai 3.
1. Perhatikan rincian "ingredients" (bahan-bahan) pada baris ke-2, yakni: “50 gram instant porridge”. Dari rincian tersebut, jelas bahwa untuk membuat bubur dengan daging serat, dibutuhkan 50 gram bubur instant.
Jawaban: B

2. Perhatikan langkah kedua pada suggested preparation: “Pour 250 cc hot water, stir well. Leave it for about 3 minutes until porridge thickened” (Tuangkan 250 cc air panas, aduk hingga merata; biarkan selama 3 menit hingga bubur mengental). Dari informasi tersebut, jelas bahwa setelah mengaduk bubur, tahap selanjutnya adalah menunggu selama 3 menit Wait for about 3 minutes hingga bubur mengental.
Jawaban: D

3. Kata bergaris bawah "thickened" berarti mengental atau memiliki pengertian (menjadi padat) Jadi, pilihan yang tepat adalah To become solid.
Jawaban: A

Read the following text to answer questions number 4 to 6.
The new Megatron™ microwave oven brings the latest cooking technology into your kitchen. This microwave oven uses state of the art magnetic technology to heat your food electronically. It is safe, clean, and most of all, very efficient. Just follow the steps below:
1. Plug in the microwave. No need to press an ON button, the microwave is always ready to use! It is in a standby mode to save power.
2. Put your food in the Mega ™ microwave bowl. Made from durable non-stick plastic. Multi-purpose and easy to clean. Come free with your purchase of that Megatron™ microwave oven.
3. Put the bowl into the microwave, close the oven door.
4. Press the Auto Cook Button. Choose from the options: Meat, Vegetable, Rice, Cake and Microwave Meal.
5. Press the START button. The microwave oven will cook the food in a matter of minutes. It will stop automatically when the food is done.
6. When the microwave stops, press the open button and take the bowl out of the oven. Your meal is ready to serve.
4. What must we do first if we want to operate the new Megatron microwave oven?
     A. Put the food in the microwave oven
     B. Use a standby mode
     C. Press the on button
     D. Plug in the microwave oven

5. What is the text about?
     A. How to purchase the Megatron oven
     B. How to stop and press the mega microwave bowl
     C. How to use a microwave
     D. How to clean a multi purpose microwave

6. The text shows that the product can cook the food ….
     A. Very fast
     B. Really easily
     C. Rather quickly
     D. Fairly slowly

Lihat Pembahasan

Pembahasan berikut ini untuk soal nomor 4 sampai 6.
4. Perhatikan langkah-langkah penggunaan Megatron microwave, khususnya langkah pertama. Dan langkah pertama tersebut, jelas bahwa yang hams dilakukan pertama kali (we must do first) adalah memasang stop kontak pada microwave Plug in the microwave.
Jawaban: D

5. Teks pada soal membahas tentang cara menggunakan microwave. Hal ini dinyatakan pada judul “EASY TO USE AND EFFICIENT”. Jadi pilihan yang tepat adalah How to use a microwave.
Jawaban: C

6. Perhatikan langkah 5: “The microwave oven will cook the food in a matter of minutes” (microwave oven akan memasak makanan dalam hitungan menit). Dari langkah tersebut, kita dapat menyimpulkan bahwa produk yang diiklankan dapat memasak dengan sangat cepat Very fast.
Jawaban: A

Read the following text to answer questions number 7 and 8.
How to make a pencil case

1. Choose the size you want. If you want to put longer items, such as a ruler, placed in your pencil case, you’ll need a longer pencil case.
2. Find a bag or box that suitable with your choice of size. It doesn’t have to be nice-looking, but strong and clean.
3. Cover the box with paper, any color.
4. Decorate the container. Try some or all of the following ideas:
  • a) Put some cool sticker.
  • b) Decorate with your own art work with markers: draw lines: shapes, animals, people, etc.
  • c) Cut some magazine pictures and stick them on it.
  • d) Totally cover the box with wrapping paper
  • e) Glue on shells, buttons or anything else you want to decorate the pencil case with. Add glitter if you like.
5. Show all your friends and be proud of your unique pencil case.
7. The length of the pencil case depends on ….
     A. The items we are going to put there
     B. The ruler we have
     C. The size of the pen
     D. The box that we find

8. From the text above we can conclude that we have to be….. in decorating the box to have a good result.
     A. Brave
     B. Careful
     C. Creative
     D. Risky

Lihat Pembahasan

Pembahasan berikut ini untuk soal nomor 7 dan 8.
7. Panjang kotak pensil tergantung pada benda yang akan dimasukkan ke dalamnya The items we are going to put there. Jawabannya terdapat dalam langkah pertama. “Choose the size you want. If you want to put longer items you will need a longer pencil case.”
Jawaban: A

8. Menurut bacaan dapat disimpulkan bahwa kita harus kreatif dalam mendekorasi kotak pensil agar hasilnya bagus. Dalam bacaan dinyatakan “decorate with your own art work ...“ Maka, jawaban yang tepat adalah Creative.
Jawaban: C

Read the following text to answer questions number 9 to 11.

➢ 1 cucumber: peeled
➢ 1 papaya: cut into 1/2 inch cubes
➢ 1 pineapple: cut into 1/2 inch cubes, fresh or canned pineapple
➢ 1 apple tart: cut into 1/2 inch cubes
➢ 1 mango: peeled, cubed
➢ 3 tablespoons peanuts: fry
➢ 1 hot chili peppers: seeded, sliced
➢ ¼ cup brown sugar
➢ 1 tablespoon tamarind: dissolved in 1/2 cup of water, strained
• Mix all the fruit together
• Grind chilies and salt
• Add brown sugar
• Add dry roasted peanuts and grind completely
• Pour some tamarind liquid
• Mix the sauce and fruit together
• Serve chilled
9. What should we do with the peanut before we grind them?
     A. Peel them
     B. Roast them
     C. Cut into cubes
     D. Add brown sugar on them

10. What is the purpose of the text above?
     A. To inform about delicious Rujak Buah
     B. To show how easy to make Rujak Buah
     C. To show the steps in making Rujak Buah
     D. To inform the material used to make Rujak Buah

11. What should be dissolved?
     A. The apple
     B. The mango
     C. The tamarind
     D. The pineapple

Lihat Pembahasan

Pembahasan berikut ini untuk soal nomor 9 sampai 11.
9. Pada keterangan di atas dapat kita peroleh informasi mengenai kondisi kacang sebelum dihaluskan, yaitu Add dry roasted peanuts and grind completely. Maka, jawaban yang tepat adalah Roast them.
Jawaban: B

10. Teks di atas memberitahu kita mengenai bagaimana cara membuat rujak buah. To show the steps in making Rujak Buah.
Jawaban: C

11. Coba perhatikan kalimat "1 tablespoon tamarind: dissolved in1/2 cup of water, strained" Jelas bahwa "tamarind" lah yang harus dilarutkan. Jawabannya adalah The tamarind.
Jawaban: C

Read the following text to answer questions number 12 to 14.
How to Repel Mice

Mice might look cute, but they can be harmful pets that destroy household items, eat and mess with food and can spread severe diseases through their feces and parasites they carry. Here are some useful tips on how to repel house mice:

1. Use peppermint, put the peppermint near wall corners.
2. Pour generous amount of peppermint oil on cotton balls.
3. Place the saturated cotton balls on areas where mice are possibly seen-around counter tops, under the sofas in your living room.
4. Put them behind shelves, wall corners or on the floor beneath your kitchen sink.
12. Why do we use peppermint to repel mice? Because ....
     A. Peppermint is fresh to breathe
     B. Mice love the peppermint
     C. Mice will die of breathing mint
     D. Mice hate the smell of peppermint

13. From the text above, we can conclude that ....
     A. Mice spread severe diseases through feces
     B. Peppermint is useful to repel mice
     C. Mice love peppermint
     D. We can place oil everywhere to repel mice

14. "Put them behind shelves ..."The word "them" refers to ....
     A. Pets
     B. Peppermint
     C. Cotton balls
     D. Peppermint oil

Lihat Pembahasan

Pembahasan berikut ini untuk soal nomor 12 sampai 14.
12. Pada dasarnya teks tersebut menceritakan tentang cara mengusir tikus, bukan membunuhnya, dan pilihan yang paling tepat adalah Mice hate the smell of peppermint.
Jawaban: D

13. Dari teks tersebut kita bisa menyimpulkan bahwa Peppermint is useful to repel mice.
Jawaban: B

14. Kata "them" mengacu pada Cotton balls.
Jawaban: C

Read the following text to answer questions number 15 to 18.
Crispy Hash Brown Recipe

3 tbsp olive oil, canola oil, or grape seed oil 1 lb Russel backing potatoes, peeled and grated, salt and pepper.

1. Heat 3 tbsp of oil in a large frying pan on medium heat.
2. Squeeze out as much moisture as you can from the grated potatoes. It’s easier to do this with potatoes ricer. If you don’t have it, you can use paper towel to squeeze it.
3. Add the grated potatoes on the hot frying pan, spread them out along the bottom of the pan. Sprinkle-some salt and pepper on the potatoes. If they have been fried to golden brown, they are ready for a flip. Continue to cook until they are golden brown on the bottom. Put them on the serving plate. Serve for 4 people.
15. What should we do first to make crispy hash brown?
     A. Peel and grate the fried potatoes
     B. Heat the oil in the frying pan
     C. Squeeze the grated potatoes
     D. Sprinkle some salt and pepper

16. How many portions can we serve based on the recipe above?
     A. Three
     B. Four
     C. Five
     D. Six

17. “Squeeze out as much moisture as you can.” (step 2).
The word “moisture” has similar meaning with.
     A. Water
     B. Lotion
     C. Splash
     D. Remain

18. “If you don’t have it ….” (step 2)
What does the underlined word refer to?
     A. Frying pan
     B. Paper towel
     C. Potatoes ricer
     D. Serving plate

Lihat Pembahasan

Pembahasan berikut ini untuk soal nomor 15 sampai 18.
15.Tahap pertama untuk membuat "crispy hash brown" yaitu "Heat 3 tbsp of oil in a large frying pan on medium heat." Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah Heat the oil in the frying pan.
Jawaban: B

16. Di akhir resep disebutkan bahwa resep tersebut untuk 4 orang (Serve for 4 people) Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah Four.
Jawaban: B

17. Langkah "Squeeze out as much moisture as you can from the grated potatoes" berarti kita memeras air yang terkandung dalam parutan kentang. Jadi kata "moisture" di sini berarti (air/embun) kata yang mempunyai makna sama adalah water. Jadi, sinonim moisture adalah Water.
Jawaban: A

18. Kalimat sebelumnya yaitu "It's easier to do this with potatoes ricer." Jadi kata it mengacu pada Potatoes ricer.
Jawaban: C

Read the following text to answer questions number 19 to 22.
1. Make sure that the power cord is firmly connected to the back of the CPU and connected to electricity source.
2. Connect the monitor cable to the back of the CPU.
3. Connect the keyboard and mouse cords to the back panel of the CPU, too.
4. Press the power button located on the front panel of the CPU. The desktop will start a booting process in your computer.
5. When you finish using the computer, click the "Start" button and choose the "Turn off computer" option. This will display the options to "Stand by", "Restart" or "Turn Off" the computer.
19. The text above tells you about .... a computer.
     A. Building
     B. Operating
     C. Turning off
     D. Using keyboard on

20. What should you do be before connecting the mouse cord to the CPU?
     A. Connect the monitor cable to the back of the CPU
     B. Press the power button located on the front panel
     C. Connect the power cord to the electricity source
     D. Click "Start" button or restart the computer

21. "... the power cord is firmly connected..." (step 1) The underlined word has the same meaning as the word ....
     A. Fairly
     B. Tightly
     C. Faithfully
     D. Steadily

22. "This will display the options ... "(step 5) The underlined word refers to ....
     A. Clicking "Turn off"
     B. Pressing the power
     C. Clicking "Start" button
     D. Connecting a cable

Lihat Pembahasan

Pembahasan berikut ini untuk soal nomor 19 sampai 22.
19. Dalam teks tersebut menjelaskan tahap-tahap mengoperasikan komputer Operating.
Jawaban: B

20. Dalam teks tersebut tertulis jelas sebelum menyambungkan kabel mouse ke CPU harus dipastikan bahwa kabel monitor ke belakang CPU (step 2). Jawaban yang tepat adalah Connect the monitor cable to the back of the CPU.
Jawaban: A

21. Kata ”firmly” mempunyai arti yang sama dengan “tightly” yaitu (dengan kuat). Jawaban yang tepat adalah Tightly.
Jawaban: B

22. Dalam teks kata “this” merujuk kepada objek kalimat sebelumnya, yaitu Start button.
Jawaban: C

Read the following text to answer questions number 23 to 26.
Crispy Hash Brown Recipe

3 tbsp olive oil, canola oil or grape seed oil
1 lb russel backing potatoes, peeled and grated, salt and pepper.

1. Heat 3 tbsp of oil in a large frying pan on medium heat.
2. Squeeze out as much moisture as you can from the grated potatoes. It's easier to do this with potatoes ricer. If you don't have it, you can use paper towel to squeeze it.
3. Add the grated potatoes on the hot frying pan, spread them out along the bottom of the pan. Sprinkle some salt and pepper on the potatoes. If they have been fried to golden brown, they are ready for a flip. Continue to cook until they are golden brown on the bottom. Put them on the serving plate. Serve for 4 people.
23. What should we do first to make crispy hash brown?
     A. Peel and grate the fried potatoes
     B. Heat the oil in the frying pan
     C. Squeeze the grated potatoes
     D. Sprinkle some salt and pepper

24. How many portions can we serve based on the recipe above?
     A. Three
     B. Four
     C. Five
     D. Six

25. "Squeeze out as much moisture as you can ..." (step 2) The word "moisture" is closest in meaning to . . ..
     A. Water
     B. Lotion
     C. Splash
     D. Remain

26. "If you don't have it, .. ." (step 2) What does the underlined word refer to?
     A. Frying pan
     B. Paper towel
     C. Potatoes ricer
     D. Serving plate

Lihat Pembahasan

Pembahasan berikut ini untuk soal nomor 23 sampai 26.
23. Dalam teks ditulis bahwa langkah pertamanya adalah “Heat 3 tbsp of oil in a large frying pan on medium heat” (Panaskan 3 sendok minyak dalam penggorengan). Maka, pilihan yang tepat adalah Heat the oil in the frying pan.
Jawaban: B

24. Pada akhir langkah membuat makanan tersebut ditulis “Serve for 4 people” (Disajikan untuk 4 orang). Maka, pilihan yang tepat adalah Four.
Jawaban: B

25. Kata "moisture" mempunyai arti yang sama dengan "water" yaitu (air). Sedangkan kata lain memiliki arti splash (guyuran) lotion (losion) remain (tetap). Sinonim kata moisture adalah Water.
Jawaban: A

26. Dalam teks kata “it” menunjukkan kepada “potato ricer” sesuai kalimat yang terdapat pada teks “It's easier to do this with potatoes ricer. If you don't have it, you con use towel to squeeze it.” Maka, pilihan yang tepat adalah Potatoes ricer.
Jawaban: C

Read the following text to answer questions number 27 to 30.
How to Save a Wet Cell Phone

1) Take the phone out of the water as soon as possible.
2) After removing the phone from water, quickly gather some paper towels or soft cloths to lay the phone on while you remove the battery.
3) Remove all other accessories such as memory cards, and protective covers.
4) Dry your phone with soft cloths or a towel.
5) Place the phone in a bowl of uncooked rice overnight. The rice can absorb some remaining moisture from the phone.
6) Plug it into its charger. It is still does not work, take your cell phone to an authorized dealer.
27. How is the wet cell phone dried?
     A. By using soft cloths or a towel
     B. By plugging into its charger
     C. By removing memory cards
     D. By removing the battery

28. What do we do after we lay the phone on paper towels or soft cloths?
     A. Place the phone in a bowl of uncooked rice overnight
     B. Remove all other accessories and protective cards
     C. Rub it with a cloth or a towel
     D. Plug it into its charger

29. "Plug it into its charger." What does the underlined word refer to?
     A. The bowl
     B. The card
     C. The phone
     D. The substance

30. The underlined word in "... quickly gather some paper towels or soft cloths ..." is closest in meaning to ....
     A. Downy
     B. Rough
     C. Thick
     D. Gentle

Lihat Pembahasan

Pembahasan berikut ini untuk soal nomor 27 sampai 30.
27. Pertanyaan "How is the wet cell phone dried?" (Bagaimana handphone basah dikeringkan?) jawaban yang paling logis untuk mengeringkan handphone yang basah adalah dengan cara mengelap dengan kain lembut atau handuk. Maka, jawaban yang tepat adalah By using soft cloths or a towel.
Jawaban: A

28. Langkah berikutnya yang harus kita lakukan setelah meletakkan handphone di atas handuk kertas atau kain lembut adalah Remove all other accessories and protective cards.
Jawaban: B

29. Kata "it" jelas mengacu kepada "the phone". Karena, logikanya benda yang memungkinkan bisa dicas adalah The phone.
Jawaban: C

30. Kata "soft" mempunyai arti yang sama dengan "downy" yaitu (lembut). Sedangkan, pilihan lain mempunyai arti rough (kasar) thick (tebal) tentle (lemah lembut). Jadi, sinonim kata soft adalah Downy.
Jawaban: A

Read the following text to answer questions number 31 to 34.
How to download music from you tube

1. Find the artist whose song's you want to download. In the address bar at your browser, search the video's address.
2. Pop along to www.cljp consorter cc and use Ctrl-V to paste the clip's address into the Media URL to Download box.
3. Check on the kind of file you, want to create MP 3 offer the widest comp. ability.
4. Click on to continue and clip converter will check the URL and detect the video clip. Give the song a file name and then click on start.
5. Clip converter will now do thing and present you with a download link. Simply click on that, find the song in your download folder and open it to hear the song.
31. Text is written to ...
     A. Make us know what happen if the download process happens
     B. Allow us to read the download process
     C. Guide us step by step to download music from youtube
     D. Give information the final result of downloading

32. What should we put in the media URL?
     A. The address of the song
     B. The title of the song
     C. The name of the file
     D. The download link 

33. What will happen if the download process is successful?
     A. The video clip will be detected on the URL.
     B. The file name will be found on the folder.
     C. We will find the song in the download folder.
     D. Clip converter will open easily.

34. "and open it to hear the song" The underlined word refers to ...
     A. The song
     B. The download folder
     C. The download link
     D. The clip converter

Lihat Pembahasan

Pembahasan berikut ini untuk soal nomor 31 sampai 34.
31. Teks ini termasuk kedalam jenis Procedure Text, text ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi tentang bagaimana cara melakukan sesuatu (tutorial). Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah Guide us step by step to download music from youtube.
Jawaban: C

32. Apa yang harus kita masukkan ke dalam URL media? alamat URL dari video yang akan didownload. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah The address of the song.
Jawaban: A

33. Yang terjadi jika proses download berhasil adalah file akan masuk kedalam folder download tempat penyimpanan kita. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah We will find the song in the download folder.
Jawaban: C

34. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan jenis ini "refers to" kita harus fokus pada kalimat sebelumnya. "find the song in your download folder and open it to hear the song." Jadi dapat disimpulkan kata it mengacu pada The download folder.
Jawaban: B

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