Kumpulan Soal Review Text SMA dan Pembahasan

AdminDapodik.com - Kumpulan Soal Review Text SMA dan Pembahasan. Review text adalah salah satu jenis teks yang meninjau suatu karya, baik film, buku dan sebagainya, untuk mengetahui kualitas, kelebihan serta kekurangan yang dimiliki oleh karya tersebut. Pada postingan kali ini saya akan membagikan tentang Kumpulan Contoh Soal Review Text Untuk SMA dan Pembahasan. Kumpulan soal Review Text berikut ini saya kumpulkan dari berbagai naskah soal UN Bahasa Inggris SMA. Untuk lebih jelasnya Anda bisa kunjungi link berikut ini Pembahasan Soal UN Bahasa Inggris SMP dan SMA (2009-2017) Semoga kumpulan soal-soal berikut ini dapat membantu kita untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dalam Bahasa Inggris.

The following text is for questions 1 to 5.
It was the dawn of science and technology. Anything seemed possible even the creation of life itself. Victor Frankenstein  becomes obsessed with this idea and works relentlessly to prove his theories; but the glory he imagined becomes a living nightmare - not only for him, but for hos friends and family too.

Mary Shelley’s gothic horror story-frankenstein - was first published in 1818 and has been the inspiration behind numerous stage productions and films - many of which strayed a long way away from her original masterpiece. Classical comic presenting a full-colored graphic remains true to this classic tale, bringing the original story to life which has never been created before.

This graphic novel is available  in two versions: Original Text and Quick Text editions. The Original Text stays faithful to Shelley's original text, while the Quick Text brings the story up to date by presenting the text into a more simplified style so that the tale is accessible to all readers.

The quick Text edition will allow you to soak up a general feeling for characters and locations, while the Original Text version will  help you easily slip into the language in which the novel was written.

Even if you're not studying the original, this graphic novel is worth buying. It's a great story, and should be one that everyone has the chance to read. Now, thanks to this release, even  those who don't particularly like to read too much are given the chance to find this tale and hopefully it may encourage them to search out the original book too.

As with the previous classical comics, the presentation is first class. The best grade glossy paper really helps to set this graphic novel head and shoulders above the usual comic book releases on the market. Not only, that you also get a pretty comprehensive biography of Shelley; Mary Shelley's family Tree; a feature that explains what life was like in the year of the book's release; and a brief

Look on how Frankenstein has been adapted to many different formats over the years.
1. The text is about ....
     A. The quick text and original text of Frankenstein story
     B. The simplify ed text of the updated horror story
     C. The horror story written by Frankenstein
     D. The original text of the author’s novel
     E. The updated of classical horror story

2. The simple way to understand the story is to read ....
     A. The original text
     B. Classic comics
     C. The quick text
     D. The original book
     E. The author’s biography

3. The main idea for the third paragraph is ....
     A. Victor Frankenstein wrote his story with gothic horror style
     B. There are two versions of the graphic novel to enjoy
     C. The different versions of Frankenstein story is always an inspiration for drama and film productions
     D. The simplify ed novel has more interesting pictures for readers to understand
     E. Mary Shelley had two different versions of Frankenstein story adapted for film

4. The original text of Frankenstein graphic story makes the readers ....
     A. Understand the style of writing in its era
     B. Curious about the historical background of story
     C. Recognize the different life of Frankenstein story
     D. Have the inspiration to put the story to a film and drama products
     E. Remind the life of Mary Shelley, the author of Frankenstein

5. “... many of which strayed a long way away from ... “ (paragraph 2).
The underlined word can be replaced with
     A. Wandered
     B. Changed
     C. Directed
     D. Pointed
     E. Avoided

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Pembahasan berikut ini untuk soal nomor 1 sampai 5.
1. Teks memberi "review" (ulasan) tentang cerita horor biadab dalam novel Frankenstein yang ditulis oleh Mary Shelly, dimana cerita ini tersaji dalam dua versi: "original text edition" (edisi teks asli) dan "quick text edition" (edisi teks cepat). Maka, pilihan yang tepat adalah The quick text and original text of Frankenstein story.
Jawaban: A

2. Seperti dinyatakan kalimat kedua paragraf 3: "... while the Quick Text brings the story up to date by presenting the text into a more simpled style so that the tale is accessible to all readers", cara yang sederhana untuk memahami cerita adalah dengan membaca edisi teks cepat Quick text
Jawaban: C

3. Pikiran utama paragraf 3 dinyatakan secara deduktif, yakni "This graphic novel is available in two versions ..." (terdapat dua versi dari novel grafis ini untuk dinikmati). Maka, pilihan yang tepat adalah There are two versions of the graphic novel to enjoy.
Jawaban: B

4. Seperti dinyatakan paragraf 4: "...while the Original Text version will help you easily slip into the language in which the novel was written', versi teks asli dari cerita biadab Frankenstein akan membuat pembaca memahami bahasa di masa novel tersebut ditulis; bahasa identik dengan gaya penulisan Style of writingMaka, pilihan yang tepat adalah Understand the style of writing in its era.
Jawaban: A

5. Kata "stray" yang memiliki arti (menyimpang), berpengertian sama dengan kata "wander" . Kata pada opsi lain masing-masing memiliki arti: change (mengubah) direct (mengarahkan) point (menunjuk) dan avoid (menghindar). Sinonim dari kata strayed adalah Wandered.
Jawaban: A

The following text is for questions 6 and 7.
‘Laskar Pelangi’: The Audacity of Hope

This is a movie adapted from a best-selling Indonesian novel. It took 40 days of filming on Belitung Island, Bangka-Belitung province. Involving 12 local actors, it reportedly cost Rp8 billion. With all the efforts of transforming Laskar Pelangi (Rainbow Warrior) into a moving picture, will it satisfy readers’ imaginations?

Laskar Pelangi, the novel, was written by Andrea Hirata in 2005, based on his own experiences. It is about an inspiring teacher and her 10 students in the poverty-stricken Kampung Gantong in Belitung. The poor condition of their school building does not dampen their high spirits and hopes for a better future.

Two years later, the novel became a phenomenon in Indonesia literature. With its humanistic touch, Laskar Pelangi has sold more than 500,000 copies and has won the position of Must-Read Novel in every corner of the nation’s bookshops and media review pages. It has finally overcome the domination of teen-lit, chick-lit and even religious novels, the popular theme of today.

Andrea entrusted the fi lming of the story to the respected figures in the film industry, Mira Lesmana and Riza, as producer and film director. In July 2007, Mira and Riri started the per-production, which took a year to finish. Together with the scriptwriter Salman Aristo they decided to create a different scenario for the film.
6. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
     A. ‘Laskar Pelangi’ is the story of poor people at the Bangka Belitung province
     B. ‘Laskar Pelangi’ is the story of poor school children of the Belitung Island
     C. ‘Laskar Pelangi’ is about poverty in Kampung Gantong in Bangka Belitung
     D. ‘Laskar Pelangi’ is about an inspiring story towards a better life
     E. ‘Laskar Pelangi’ is about Andrea Hirata

7. From the text above, we know that ....
     A. The movie was played by poor children
     B. Andrea Hirata is the producer of Laskar Pelangi
     C. The novel of Laskar Pelangi as a phenomenal work of literature
     D. People like the movie better than the novel
     E. People like the novel better than the movie

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Pembahasan berikut ini untuk soal nomor 6 dan 7.
6. Pertanyaan "What is the main idea of the second paragraph?" (Apa ide pokok dari paragraf ke dua?) Pada kalimat "The poor condition of their school building does not dampen their high spirits and hopes for a better future" menjelaskan bahwa kondisi bangunan dan sekolah mereka tidak mengurangi semangat dan harapan yang tinggi untuk masa depan yang lebih baik. Dari kalimat tersebut, maka ide pokok paragraf kedua dari teks tersebut adalah 'Laskar Pelangi' is about an inspiring story towards a better life
Jawaban: D

7. Pertanyaan "From the text above, we know that ...." (Dari teks kita tahu bahwa ....) Pada kalimat "Two years later the novel became a phenomenon in Indonesian literature" menjelaskan bahwa novel Laskar Pelangi menjadi fenomena di kesusastraan Indonesia. Jadi, teks di atas menunjukkan bahwa novel Laskar Pelangi adalah karya yang fenomenal dari kesusasteraan The novel of Laskar Pelangi was a phenomenal work of literature
Jawaban: C

The following text is for questions 8 to 10.
My family of three went to see an early screening of the new Disney movie, ”Brave” yesterday, so I thought I would write a quick “mommy” review of the movie.

Disney definitely breaks the standard “Disney Princess” mold with this movie as Princess Merida is a fun, outgoing and wild girl that for once is not in search for the love of a prince. The characters in the movie are entertaining and I loved the way that the Scottish culture comes out in the movie. I found myself wishing for more music though, which is one of the things that I truly love about past Disney movies. I would compare this movie more with “Shrek” than a movie like “Tangled”.

As to the age of the kids that would like this movie I would have to say maybe 5 years old and up. The movie is not quite engaging enough for very young viewers, which was a little disappointing for our three years old. There were parts of the movie that our daughter enjoyed, but it is engaging enough for younger viewers in the audience and made them cry, so be forewarned of this if you are bringing children under the age of five years old.

I’ve always been a big fan Disney movies so on a 5-star scale I would rate this 4-star movie. It’s definitely not a favourite, but I give it four star for the relationship that build between Merida and her mother. I think this offers a great lesson to appreciate your family and truly listen to each others need and concerns.
8. What does the writer think of the music in “Brave”?
     A. Too much
     B. Too little
     C. Wild enough
     D. Demonstrative
     E. Very beautiful

9. What does the reviewer think of the movie?
     A. It is definitely not the favourite
     B. It has a good music composition
     C. It is the same as the other Disney movies
     D. It does not have any lesson for the children
     E. It gives a bad impression of a mom and a daughter

10. How does the writer feel about the movie?
     A. Amazed
     B. Frustrated
     C. Appreciative
     D. Disappointed
     E. Not worthy enough

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Pembahasan berikut ini untuk soal nomor 8 sampai 10.
8. Kata "Brave' bisa dilihat dari kalimat (paragraf 2 kalimat ketiga) "I found myself wishing for more music though, which is one of the things that I trulylove about past disneymovie."(Meskipun saya dapati diri saya mengharapkan lebih banyak musik, yang merupakan salah satu hal yang saya suka dalam film-film Disney di masa lalu). Jadi, penulis menilai musik dalam film Disney kali ini terlalu sedikit Too little dibandingkan film-film Disney sebelumnya.
Jawaban: B

9. Penilaian penulis bisa diketahui dari kalimat (paragraf 4 kalimat kedua) It's definitely not a favorite, but ...." Maka, jawaban yang tepat adalah It is definitely not the favourite.
Jawaban: A

10. Penulis masih memberi nilai "four stars" untuk film ini, dan ini menunjukkan penulis bersikap Appreciative terhadap film tersebut.
Jawaban: C

The following text is for questions 11 to 13.
It is probably one of the most important books I’ve ever read. Not for its heavy philosophy, practical instructions, or memorable quotes; but for its simple message of how wonderful life can be when viewed through the eyes of an innocent child.

Each story is only a page or two, a delightful narrative of how Totto-chan views the world, and how Mr. Kuroyanagi inspires the children to explore, learn, feel, and have joy. There are several charcoal drawings that capture the tenderness of the stories, making us feel a part of Totto-chan’s world.

One of my favorite vignettes is the story of losing her hat in the septic tank at the school and proceeds to dig it out. The headmaster walks by, and after a few question to satisfy his curiosity, and hearing her earnest explanations, he lets her continue with the simple instruction,”make sure you put it all back!”

Totto-chan, the Little Girl at the window is a celebration of childhood, learning and caring. We’ve enjoyed reading one or two stories for bedtime off-and-on for a couple of years, and almost don’t want to finish the book because it will mean there are no more stories. Totto-chan seems so real and loveable, and her headmaster is a role model for parents and teachers.

The book is written by Tetsuko Kuroyanagi and translated by Dorothy Britton.
11. What is the text about?
     A. A summary of children biography
     B. The novel of Totto-chan
     C. Children’s activities
     D. A description of Mr. Kuroyanagi
     E. The headmaster and teachers

12. Totto-chan, The Little Girl at the window is a story ....
     A. Of an innocent children
     B. Containing philosophy of life
     C. That teaches us that life is actually wonderful
     D. That motivates children to explore the world
     E. That describes good headmasters and teachers

13. According to the text, who inspires the children enjoying their childhood?
     A. Tetsuko Kuroyanagi
     B. The teachers
     C. The headmaster
     D. Dorothy Britton
     E. The Little girl

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Pembahasan berikut ini untuk soal nomor 11 sampai 13.
11. Wacana tersebut adalah tentang sebuah buku yang berjudul “Totto Chan” Lihat bagian awal dan akhir kalimat berikut "lt is probably one of the most important books Uve ever read" (Ini barangkali adalah salah satu diantara buku-buku terpenting yang pernah saya baca.) dan “The book is written by Tetsuko Kuroyanagi and translated by Dorothy Britton.” (Buku tersebut ditulis oleh Tetsuko Kuroyanagi dan diterjemahkan oleh Dorothy Britton.) Maka, jawaban yang tepat adalah The novel of Totto-chan.
Jawaban: B

12. Novel "Totto Chan" merupakan cerita yang menuturkan indahnya kehidupan dilihat dan sudut pandang seorang anak. Perhatikan kalimat berikut "... but for its simple message of how wonderful life can be when viewed through the eyes of an innocent child. (.... tetapi karena pesan sederhana novel tersebut mengenai betapa indahnya kehidupan ketika dilihat melalui mata seorang anak yang tanpa salah.) Maka, jawaban yang tepat adalah That teaches us that life is actually wonderful.
Jawaban: C

13. Informasi mengenai siapa yang memberi inspirasi anak untuk menikmati masa kanak-kanak mereka, menurut wacana, bisa dilihat dan kalimat berikut "... and how Mr. Kuroyanagi inspires the children to explore, learn, feel and have joy." (... dan bagaimana Mr. Kuroyanagi memberi inspirasi kepada anak anak untuk mengamati, merasakan. dan menikmati kegembiraan.) Maka, jawaban yang tepat adalah Tetsuko Kuroyanagi.
Jawaban: A

The following text is for questions 14 to 16.
To Kill a Mockingbird
By Harper Lee
Warner Books
Reviewed by Rodman Phillbrick

I’ve never been to Alabama, but novelist Harper Lee made me feel as if I had been there in the long, hot summer of 1935, when a lawyer named Atticus Finch decided to defend an innocent black man accused of a horrible crime. The story of how the whole town reacted to the trial is told by the lawyer’s daughter, Scout, who remembers exactly what it was like to be eight years old in 1935, in Maycomb, Alabama.

Scout is the reason i loved this book, because her voice rings so clear and true. Not only does she make me see the things she sees, she makes me feel the things she feels. There’s a lot more going on than just the trial, and Scout tells you all about it.

A man called Boo Radley lives next door. Very few people have ever seen Boo, and Scout and her friends have a lot fun telling scary stories about him. The mystery about Boo Radley is just one of the reasons you want to keep turning the pages to find out what happens in To Kill a Mockingbird.

To Kill a Mockingbird is filled with interesting characters like Dill, and Scout makes them all seem just as real as the people in your own hometown. Here’s how Scout describes Miss Caroline, who wore a red striped dress:”She looked and smelled like a peppermint drop.”

The large theme of the story is about racial intolerance, but Scout never tries to make it a”lesson,” it’s simply part of the world she describes. That’s why To Kill a Mockingbird rings true, and why it all seems so real.

Even though the story took place many years ago, you get the idea that parts of it could happen today, in any town where people distrust and fear each other’s different.

In a just world an innocent man should be found not guilty. But if you want to know what this particular jury finally decides and what happens to Scout and Jem and Dill and Boo Radley and the rest of the people who live and breathe in To Kill a Mockingbird, you’ll have to read the book.
14. Who is the writer of the Novel” To Kill a Mockingbird”?
     A. Scout
     B. Boo Radley
     C. Harper Lee
     D. Atticus Finch
     E. Rodman Phillbrick

15. According to the reviewer, the book “To Kill a Mockingbird” is ...
     A. Challenging
     B. Reasonable
     C. Interesting
     D. Innocent
     E. Irrational

16. “ .... Scout and her friends have a lot fun telling scary stories about him.” (paragraph 4) The underlined word has similar meaning with ....
     A. Joyful
     B. Interesting
     C. Challenging
     D. Frightening
     E. Amusing

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Pembahasan berikut ini untuk soal nomor 14 sampai 16.
14. Penulis novel "To Kill a Mockingbird' bisa diketahui dari pernyataan: "To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper Lee" Maka, jawaban yang tepat adalah Boo Radley
Jawaban: B

15. Pendapat peresensi mengenal novel ini bisa diketahui dari kalimat berikut "To Kill a Mockingbird is filled with interesting characters ..." (To Kill a Mockingbird dipenuhi dengan karakter-karakter yang menarik ...) Maka, jawaban yang tepat adalah Interesting
Jawaban: C

16. Kata yang digaris bawahi dalam teks "scary" berarti (menakutkan). Sedangkan ari pada pilihan yag lain joyful (menyenangkan) interesting (menarik) challenging (menantang) frightening (menakutkan) amusing (menghibur) Jadi, sinonim dari kata scary adalah Frightening
Jawaban: D

The following text is for questions 17 to 19.
A Beautiful Mind is a biographical movie about John Forbes Nash Junior, mathematical genius with hard fate. At the beginning of this carrier he has made enormous contribution in the field of Game Theory, which was a revolution in this mathematical area and almost brought international fame to the author. The movie was filmed in 2001 by Ron Howard and today it is called modern classics: a true drama, making you think and evoking emotions.

Such movie, telling us about the life of a famous person, are always difficult to assess, because any such creations somehow pretend to be biographical ones. But in fact they are just a glance of one particular producer on the life of another individual. Of course, much depends on the actor who will perform the role of the protagonist and after watching A Beautiful Mind I will agree with this once again.
17. What is the text about?
     A. The review of ‘A Beautiful Mind‘ movie
     B. The movie of Jhon Forbes Nash’s biography
     C. The Oscar winner in Modern Classic Drama
     D. The contribution in the field of Game Theory
     E. The story about the genius man in the mathematical area

18. Why is ‘Beautiful Mind’ is regarded as modern classics?
     A. It revolutionizes the mathematical area
     B. It tells about the life of current famous person
     C. It makes the audience think and feel emotions
     D. It tells the story about the role of the protagonist
     E. It conveys Ron Howard’s feeling about his creation

19. What does the writer recommend to the readers?
     A. To create a game theory
     B. To create one’s biography
     C. To learn mathematics seriously
     D. To agree with the writer’s opinion
     E. To watch the film titled ‘A Beautiful Mind’

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Pembahasan berikut ini untuk soal nomor 17 sampai 19.
17. Teks tersebut sedang membahas sebuah film yang berjudul A beautiful Mind. Jadi, pilihan yang tepat adalah The review of ‘A Beautiful Mind‘ movie.
Jawaban: A

18. Di dalam teks penulis menyebutkan “today it is called modem classics: a true drama, making you think and evoking emotions.” Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah It makes the audience think and feel emotions (ini membuat penonton dapat berpikir dan merasakan emosi).
Jawaban: C

19. Karena dalam paragraf terakhir, penulis menyebutkan bahwa “after watching a beautiful mind, I will agree with this once again” (setelah menonton Film tersebut maka kita akan setuju dengan pendapatnya). Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah To watch the film titled ‘A Beautiful Mind’ (untuk menonton film yang berjudul beautiful mind).
Jawaban: E

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