35 Mistakes That Intermediate Students Often Make

Memang sebagai manusia, sangatlah wajar jika kita melakukan kesalahan-kesalahan. Namun jika kesalahan-kesalahan tersebut terlalu sering kita lakukan, itu mah namanya keterlaluan. Jika sebelumnya, saya mencantumkan keterangan Michael Swan tentang “35 Basic Mistakes to Avoid” -  35 kesalahan sepele berbahasa Inggris yang harus dihindari, maka kali ini saya akan melanjutkannya setingkat lebih tinggi--dengan kata lain kesalahan-kesalahan ini lebih keren (hohoh, salah kok keren ya?). “35 Mistakes that intermediate students often make” bisa bermakna 35 Kesalahan yang sering dilakukan oleh siswa/mahasiswa tingkat menengah. Ya, begitulah kiranya, karena Secara umum, Intermediate students bisa diartikan tidak hanya sebatas siswa-siswi tingkat menengah saja tapi juga untuk mahasiswa yang kemampuan Bahasa Inggrisnya pas-pasan. Apakah sobat-sobit termasuk sebagai siswa / mahasiswa yang sering melakukan kesalahan-kesalahan? jika memang masih sering melakukan kesalahan, coba cek kesalahan sobat-sobit terletak dimana, Mari kita lihat, pelajari, dan renungi bersama-sama keterangan Michael Swan tentang “35 Mistakes that intermediate Students often Make” dalam buku Practical English Usage edisi ketiga berikut ini:

Jangan katakan/tulis
I promise I pay you tomorrow
I promise I’ll pay you tomorrow
This is the first time I’m here
This is the first time I’ve been here
I’ve been here since three days
I’ve been here for three days
If I’ll have time, I will go home
If I have time, I will go home
If I knew the price, I will tell you
If I knew the price, I would tell you
He said me that he was Chinese
He told me that he was Chinese
She told me she has a headache
She told me she had a headache
There’s the man that I work for him
There is the man that I work for
I’ve told you all what I know
I’ve told you all (that) I know
Although it was late, but she went out
Although it was late, she went out
You had better to see the doctor
You had better see the doctor
I use to play tennis at weekends
I play tennis at weekends
It can rain this evening
It may/might/could rain this evening
My parents wanted that I study
My parents wanted me to study
You must stop to smoke
You must stop smoking
I look forward to see you
I look forward to seeing you
I’m boring in the lessons
I’m bored in the lessons
He has much money
He has a lot of/plenty of money
Most of people agree with me
Most people agree with me
I look at me in the mirror
I look at myself in the mirror
We waited during six hours
We waited for six hours
I like eating chocolate milk
I like eating milk chocolate
Come here and look at that paper
Come here and look at this paper
We go there every Saturdays
We go there every Saturday
Which is the biggest city of the world?
Which is the biggest city in the world?
I’m thinking to change my job
I’m thinking of changing my job
Can you give me an information?
Can you give some information?
He’s married with a doctor
He’s married to a doctor
Can you mend this until Tuesday
Can you mend this by Tuesday
There is a hotel in front of our house
There is a hotel opposite our house
I like warm countries, as Spain
I like warm countries, like Spain
Please explain me what you want
Please explain to me what you want
When you come, take your bike
When you come, bring your bike
My brother has got a new work
My brother has got a new job
He’s Dutch, or better Belgian
He’s Dutch, or rather Belgian

Nah kan, seperti biasa jika sobat merasa mempunyai kemampuan berbahasa Inggris yang baik, coba tutup kotak tabel sebelah kanannya, dan pikirkan mengapa kalimat di kotak sebelah kiri salah? Jika jawabannya sama seperti tabel sebelah kanan, maka berarti sobat-sobit sudah melewati 35 Kesalahan yang dilakukan oleh Kebanyakan siswa/mahasiswa.

Baca Juga

Untuk lebih jelasnya, coba diskusikan saja dengan teman, guru, dan orang lain yang mempunyai kemampuan Bahasa Inggris yang baik, jika mereka sama-sama tidak bisa menjelaskannya, boleh juga tuh didiskusikan disini. Akhir kata, sekian saja referensi yang saya kemukakan tentang “35 Mistakes that intermediate Students often make” ini, lagi-lagi semoga kita tidak terjebak dengan kesalahan-kesalahan seperti diatas sehingga kita tidak tercatat sebagai orang yang mempunyai banyak kesalahan. Hehehe.. See you..


Swan, Michael. 2005. Practical English Usage:3rd edition. Oxford University Press.

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