Belajar Structure / Grammar TOEFL 8

Skill 8: Gunakan kata penghubung keterangan yang lain (Other Adverb Connectors) dengan betul

Condition (pengandaian)
Contrast (berlawanan)
Manner (cara)
If (jika)
In case (if)
Provided (if)
Providing (if)
Unless (kecuali jika)
Although (walaupun)
Even though (although)
Though (although)
While (walaupun/sedangkan/tapi)
Whereas (while)
In that
Wherever (di manapun)
Bob Went to school even though he felt sick.
Even though Bob felt sick, he went to school.

  • Perhatikan penggunaan komanya ketika connector di awal kalimat.
  •  Perhatikan subjek (kata yang diblok) dan verb (kata yang diblok dan digaris bawahi) di setiap klausa

Kecuali: While atau whereas selalu menggunakan koma
The Smith family arrived at 2.00, while the Jones family arrived an hour later.
Mary is rich, while John is poor.
While John is poor, Mary is rich.
Whereas John is poor, Mary is rich.

Contoh di bawah ini menggambarkan bagaimana pola kalimat ini dijadikan sebagai soal dalam test Structure TOEFL
You will get a good grade on the exam provided _____.
a) studying
b) study
c) to study
d) you study

Dari kalimat di atas dapat kita ketahui bahwa kalimat adverb connector nya yaitu provided yang berada di tengah kalimat. Maka yang kita butuhkan yaitu satu klausa yang lain. Ingat bahwa klausa merupakan kumpulan kalimat yang mempunyai satu kombinasi subjek dan verb. Dari pilihan yang ada hanya pilihan bagian jawaban d) yang mempunyai subjek dan verb. Olehnya pilihan yang tepat yaitu d) you study.

Contoh soal:
  1. It is impossible to enter that program if you lack experience as a teacher
  2. The commandant left strict orders about the passes, several soldiers left the post anyway.
  3. No one is admitted to the academy unless he or she the education requirements.
  4. While most students turned the assignment in on time, a few asked for an extension.
  5. I will take you wherever need to go to complete the registration procedures.
  6. I will wait here in the airport with you whether the plane leaves on time or not.
  7. Providing the employee is postmarked by this Friday, your application still acceptable.
  8. As the nurse already explained all visitors must leave the hospital room now
  9. This exam will be more difficult than usual in that it covers two chapters instead of one 
  10. Though snow had been falling all day long, everyone got to the church on time for the wedding
Yang diblok merupakan subjek.
Yang diblok dan digaris bawahi merupakan verb (kata kerja).
Yang dimiringkan merupakan adverb Connector.

Pada kalimat  1, 4, 6, 9, dan 10 merupakan bentuk kalimat yang benar (sudah terdapat subjek dan verb) beserta penggunaan  adverb connector telah benar.
Pada kalimat 2, 3, 5, 7, dan 8 mempunyai kesalahan masing-masing.  No. 2 kehilangan connector. No. 3 dan 7 juga salah karena tidak terdapat verb. No. 5 kehilangan subjek. No. 8 kehilangan koma. 

  1. It is impossible to enter that program if you lack experience as a teacher
  2. Though Tthe commandant left strict orders about the passes, several soldiers left the post anyway.
  3. No one is admitted to the academy unless he or she meets the education requirements.
  4. While most students turned the assignment in on time, a few asked for an extension.
  5. I will take you wherever you need to go to complete the registration procedures.
  6. I will wait here in the airport with you whether the plane leaves on time or not.
  7. Providing the employee is postmarked by this Friday, your application is still acceptable.
  8. As the nurse already explained, all visitors must leave the hospital room now
  9. This exam will be more difficult than usual in that it covers two chapters instead of one 
  10. Though snow had been falling all day long, everyone got to the church on time for the wedding
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