The Lucky Thief: Contoh Spoof Text Bahasa Inggris dan Arti

The Lucky Thief: Contoh Spoof Text Bahasa Inggris dan Arti

English Admin – Today we are learning example of spoof text in English stories. What story which make us learning? It is about unpredictable ended story. I like reading spoof story very much.

A spoof text always bring an unpredictable event in the end of the story. If you like too, you can read my previous post, 12 examples of spoof text which have different kinds of twist in the end of story.

Now I have another short funny story labelled as spoof text. Although this story is very short but it is clear enough to identify why the passage can be categorized as a spoof text. Hold your smile before you finish reading the following short funny story.
The Lucky Thief
One usual day in the middle of night, there was a thief. He came in a mad man’s house and stole a TV and DVD set.

While the thief was getting out of the house, the mad man wake up and tried to chase him. The thief was running out the house quickly but the madman  followed just behind. After two hours race, the thief felt tired and  gave up, Soon the thief was caught, wet handed, by the mad man.

Under unlucky situation, the thief started pleading and begged the mad man not to send him to police officers. The mad man replied calmly;”Don’t worry, I just want to give you the remotes”
Well, have got your smile? If you haven’t yet, I wonder why. Let me help you to burst out laughing. Only laughing, remember not crying!

contoh spoof text dalam bahasa Inggris

Contoh teks spoof sangat pendek dilenkapi dengan arti

This rough translation may help you to get it. If you can help to make the translation better, I will appreciate.
Arti: Pencuri Yang Beruntung
Suatu hari di tengah malam, ada seorang pencuri. Dia masuk kedalam rumah milik seorang gila dan mencuri seperangkat TV dan DVD.

Sementara pencuri itu keluar dari rumah, orang gila tersebut bangun dan mencoba mengejarnya. Pencuri itu pun berlari keluar rumah dengan cepat tetapi orang gila itu mengikuti tepat di belakang. Setelah dua jam berkejaran, pencuri itu merasa lelah dan menyerah, Segera pencuri tertangkap basah oleh orang gila itu.

Dalam situasi yang tidak menguntungkan itu, pencuri itu mulai meminta dan memohon kepada orang gila tersebut agar tidak menyerahkannya ke polisi. Orang gila itu menjawab dengan tenang, “Jangan khawatir, saya hanya ingin memberikan kamu remotenya “
Catatan Susunan Paragraph pada Contoh Spoof Text diatas

So have you bursted laughing? I hope you have because we are going to find out the generic structure of that short funny story of spoof text. Every spoof text covers three things; who involves in that story?, what are the events?, and how the the story is ended? So let’s make it simple and clearly written.

1. Orientation: The story clearly states the main characters; the thief and the mad man
2. Events: Paragraph 3 describes three important events. They are how the thief tries to get out from the house, how the mad man tries to catch the thief, and how finally the thief gives up.
3. Twist: How the story is accomplished becomes the main element of spoof text. It is the twisting end of the story. What the mad man replies after catching the thief is really unpredictable for readers.

That’s all the story of The Lucky Thief. This story is labelled as spoof text because it fulfills all 3 elements of generic structure in how a spoof text is organized.

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