Contoh Abstrak Skripsi tentang Narrative Text

Sobat sedang menulis skripsi bahasa Inggris tentang narrative text namun belum ada bayangan seperti apa abstrak skripsi yang membahas narrative text. Jangan buru-buru pasrah, ingat tinggal selangkah lagi sobat menyelesaikan skripsi berbahasa Inggris yang sobat perjuangkan.

Sebelumnya penjelasan 'sangat sederhana' sudah dipublikasikan pada posting "Narrative Text - Penjelasan dan Contoh". Namun dalam tulisan tersebut, jelas tidak ada cara menulis abstrak skripsi bahasa Inggris tentang narrative text, bukan? Oleh karena itu, kini saatnya saya menghadirkan beberapa contoh abstrak skripsi yang membahas narrative text. Let's check these out..

Penulis : RAHAYU, Jeani Shinta
Universitas : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI)

Currently, the students, especially students in senior high school level must deal with many kinds of text. One kind of text that must be learned by the students is narrative text. Meanwhile, the text should be learned through a meaningful activity. One kind of the effective activity is by having a game.

Baca Juga

This study was aimed to observe the use of Spelling Bee game in teaching narrative text, and to find out the obstacles, advantages and disadvantages of using Spelling Bee game in learning about narrative text. This study was conducted by using a quasi-experimental design with pretest and posttest nonequivalent groups design. Two classes of the first grader in SMAN 5 Cimahi were chosen as the sample in this study. There were 40 students in each class.

The findings of this study suggested that Spelling Bee was effective in improving students’ understanding on narrative text as indicated by a statistically higher reading score of experimental group students (M = 76.0, SE = 1.11) than control group students (M = 60.5, SE = 1.31) in the posttest. This difference was highly significant t (78) = 8.982, p < 0.05 with the effect size value r = 0.74.

In addition, the students’ answer on the questionnaire showed that the students’ inability in recognizing an English alphabet became the obstacle during the process. Besides, students’ improvement on spelling skill was the advantage and limitation of time was the disadvantages of using Spelling Bee game in teaching narrative text.

There were two main conclusions that can be drawn from the present study. First, Spelling Bee could improve student’ reading comprehension on narrative text. Second, Spelling Bee game was appropriate for the students in senior high school level. Since Spelling Bee was very appropriate to apply for students who had a good spelling skill.

For teachers who are interested in using Spelling Bee game, it is suggested to ensure that the students’ do not have problems with spelling. In addition for further study, it would be very excellent if the Spelling Bee game can be used in other genres.

Judul Skripsi : THE USE OF COMIC STRIPS TOWARD WRITING NARRATIVE TEXT : A Classroom Action Research Conducted in a Senior High School in Indramayu
Penulis : BASUKI, Eka Rachmadi Saputra
Universitas : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI)


The research reports on the use of comic strip toward writing narrative text. Comic strips were applied in the research to improve the students` writing scores. The aims of the research were to improve students’ writing narrative text ability and to find out students’ responses toward the use of comic strip. The research used classroom action which consists of three cycles. The subjects were tenth grade students in a senior high school in Indramayu. Writing test, observation sheet, questionnaire, and interview were employed to collect the data. The result showed that there was improvement in students’ writing scores in every cycle. The mean score in cycle 3 was 76.2, increasing 18.2 points from the first cycle with 27 students (96.4%) getting the scores above KKM. In addition, the result of questionnaire and interview showed that comic strip can be one of alternative media in teaching writing especially narrative and it could motivate the students in learning writing. 
Penulis : HERLINA
Universitas : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI)


The study entitled The Translating Strategies Applied By The First Grade Students In The Translation Of A Narrative Text, A Case Study at SMA Puragabaya Bandung, concerns with the translating strategies which are applied by the first grade students of senior high school in the translation of a narrative text. This study is also to reveal the students’ perception towards the translating tasks which are given by their teacher.

This study is a qualitative study with using descriptive method. The data is taken from the translation products and the questionnaire results of the ten students as the subject of this study. The data is analyzed through the theory of translating strategies by Peter Newmark (1988). The result shows that the students employ ten translating strategies in dealing with the text. In addition, the students’ perception towards the translating tasks is positive; they perceive that the translating tasks help them cultivate their reading habit and vocabulary. Therefore, based on that perception, the translating tasks are still relevant to be applied by the teacher as an alternative task in enhancing the students’ reading habit and vocabulary.

Semoga tulisan mengenai contoh abstrak skripsi bahasa Inggris tentang narrative text di atas bisa berguna untuk sobat yang sedang membutuhkannya..

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