Bulldozing Neighbor’s Houses: Example of News item Text with Generic Structure

Bulldozing Neighbor’s Houses: Example of News item Text with Generic Structure

This strange and odd news can be labeled as example of a news item text. Do you still remember what definition of news item? Well It is telling the news of the day. It must be newsworthy and covers what is the news?, what is the background news, and what/who is the news’ witness? Let’s see the sample below!

News Item Text: A man bulldozes Neighbors’ 4 Houses
A man damaged four houses after he drove his bulldozer through them. At least one vehicle was also destroyed.

The incident took place at Baker and Highway 101. The man was angry at his neighbors and took his bulldozer to the streets. He damaged four homes and cutting power to others. Nobody was hurt but power was out all day Friday. The man was booked into jail for malicious mischief.

The Clallam County Sheriff’s Office said “The man was irate with neighbors.”

Well, that is the English text. Now we see the translation so we hopefully understand the points well.
Terjemaha Teks News Item: Seorang Pria Merusak 4 rumah Tetangga dengan Buldoser
Seorang pria telah merusakkan empat rumah tetangganya dengan mengendarai buldosernya. Setidaknya satu kendaraan juga ikut hancur.

Insiden itu terjadi di Baker dan Highway 101. Pria itu marah kepada tetangganya dan mengendarai buldoser ke jalan-jalan. Dia merusak empat rumah dan tiang tiang listrik sehingga menimpah rumah lainnya. Tidak ada yang terluka tetapi listrik tidak menyala sepanjang hari Jumat. Pria itu dimasukkan ke penjara karena prilakunya membahayakan.

Polisi Clallam County mengatakan “pria itu marah dengan tetangganya”

Now we analyze the generic structure of the news text sample
1. Newsworthy event: A man bulldozed his neighbor’ house
2. Background event: The incident happened at Baker and Highway 101. It made 4 houses damaged and power off
3. Source: The Clallam County Sheriff said that the man did it because he was angry with his neighbors.

That’s all the example of news item text. Reading news item is useful as it gives us knowledge about what happens daily as well as lesson of English through text-base approach.
This text sample is taken and arranged from www.nbcnews.com/id/51846435/ns/local_news-seattle_wa/

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