Contoh Iklan Bahasa Inggris Service dan Jasa
Contoh iklan bahasa Inggris pada umumnya tetap sama yaitu bertujuan mempromosikan sesuatu. Begitu juga dengan contoh iklan bahasa Inggris service dan jasa ini, tentu tujuannya yaitu mempromosikan service atau sebuah jasa. Untuk lebih mengetahuinya, mari kita simak contoh iklan di bawah ini :
Jl. Happy Street No. 1 Jakarta, Phone: 0812345678910
If you need a help in typing your document, come to us. We can help you, not only typing, printing, scanning, but also operating any computer application. With a cheapest cost in Jakarta, it is money back guaranteed.
Address: Beauty Street No. 1 South Jakarta, Phone: 0812345678910
Our translation service is well-trusted by many big companies in Indonesia. We can translate many documents from English to Indonesia or vice versa, from Indonesia to English. We have many registered and qualified translators who have a lot of experiences in translating books, novels, formal documents and so on. Come on joining us to translate your documents correctly. Call us for further information.
We are the biggest and cheapest laundry service in Bandung. We can help you to wash your dirty clothes, shirts, t-shirts, trousers, pants, and many more. Because we are the biggest, we serve you as fast and clean as possible. We guarantee your clothes will be clean and dry perfectly and quickly for about 5 hours. Come to us on Dewi Sartika, No. 23 Bandung West Java, or you just call os on 08112233123***
We are the leading English private service in Cirebon, we have passed many people in TOEFL and IELTS, just learning English privately in your house. You will get many advantages such as fluent speaking, comprehensive reading, perfect writing, and sharp listening. Just negotiate your free time, we will come to your house in time. Contact us on 0811128**** or visit our office at Perjuangan Street, No 22 Cirebon, West Java.
If you have a problem with your electronics, such as your Smartphones, TVs, Players, Refrigerators, Washing Machine, and so on. Call us to fix it quickly, money back guaranteed. Call us on 089111**** or you can visit our office at Panjunan Street, No 4 Cirebon.
Dalam membuat iklan jangan lupa untuk memperhatikan beberapa hal berikut :
Kelima hal tersebut sangat mudah untuk dicatat dan dipahami. Jika kita sudah memahami kelimanya, membuat contoh iklan bahasa Inggris service dan jasa begitu sangat mudah. Bahkan membuat iklan lainnya pun tidak begitu sulit.
Intinya, kuasai bidang jasa / service anda terlebih dahulu, lalu kita menawarkan jasa kita ke pada orang lain dengan bekal kemampuan kita menangani jasa tersebut. Dengan menggunakan iklan yang menarik dan cocok serta sesuai dengan jasa yang kita tawarkan, iklan kita pasti sanat laku di pasaran.
Contoh Iklan Bahasa Inggris Service & Jasa 1
Jl. Happy Street No. 1 Jakarta, Phone: 0812345678910
If you need a help in typing your document, come to us. We can help you, not only typing, printing, scanning, but also operating any computer application. With a cheapest cost in Jakarta, it is money back guaranteed.
Contoh Iklan Bahasa Inggris Service & Jasa 2
ENGLISHINDO Translation ServiceAddress: Beauty Street No. 1 South Jakarta, Phone: 0812345678910
Our translation service is well-trusted by many big companies in Indonesia. We can translate many documents from English to Indonesia or vice versa, from Indonesia to English. We have many registered and qualified translators who have a lot of experiences in translating books, novels, formal documents and so on. Come on joining us to translate your documents correctly. Call us for further information.
Contoh Iklan Bahasa Inggris Service & Jasa 3
ENGLISHINDO LaundryWe are the biggest and cheapest laundry service in Bandung. We can help you to wash your dirty clothes, shirts, t-shirts, trousers, pants, and many more. Because we are the biggest, we serve you as fast and clean as possible. We guarantee your clothes will be clean and dry perfectly and quickly for about 5 hours. Come to us on Dewi Sartika, No. 23 Bandung West Java, or you just call os on 08112233123***
Contoh Iklan Bahasa Inggris Service & Jasa 4
ENGLISHINDO Smart PrivateWe are the leading English private service in Cirebon, we have passed many people in TOEFL and IELTS, just learning English privately in your house. You will get many advantages such as fluent speaking, comprehensive reading, perfect writing, and sharp listening. Just negotiate your free time, we will come to your house in time. Contact us on 0811128**** or visit our office at Perjuangan Street, No 22 Cirebon, West Java.
Contoh Iklan Bahasa Inggris Service & Jasa 5
ENGLISHINDO ElectrosolutionIf you have a problem with your electronics, such as your Smartphones, TVs, Players, Refrigerators, Washing Machine, and so on. Call us to fix it quickly, money back guaranteed. Call us on 089111**** or you can visit our office at Panjunan Street, No 4 Cirebon.

Dalam membuat iklan jangan lupa untuk memperhatikan beberapa hal berikut :
- Nama jasa / service anda.
- Alamat jasa / service anda
- Nomer telpon / Hp yang bisa dihubungi
- Jasa / service apa yang tawarkan
- Karakter khusus service / jasa anda.
Kelima hal tersebut sangat mudah untuk dicatat dan dipahami. Jika kita sudah memahami kelimanya, membuat contoh iklan bahasa Inggris service dan jasa begitu sangat mudah. Bahkan membuat iklan lainnya pun tidak begitu sulit.
Intinya, kuasai bidang jasa / service anda terlebih dahulu, lalu kita menawarkan jasa kita ke pada orang lain dengan bekal kemampuan kita menangani jasa tersebut. Dengan menggunakan iklan yang menarik dan cocok serta sesuai dengan jasa yang kita tawarkan, iklan kita pasti sanat laku di pasaran.
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