Teks Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tahun Baru Islam 2019

Naskah pidato bahasa Inggris ini biasanya dicari di saat menjelang perayaan 1 Muharram yaitu yang lebih dikenal dengan perayaan tahun baru Islam. Untuk itu, kami berusaha menampilkan teks pidato ini untuk anda yang sedang mempelajari atau sedang akan mengikuti perlombaan pidato Islami di saat perayaan tahun baru Islam. Langsung saja, berikut ini adalah contoh teks pidato bahasa Inggris Tahun Baru Islam :

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb

Ladies and Gentlemen,

On this happy occasion, first of all, let us increase our devotion to God by doing all the commands and avoiding His prohibitions. Besides that, let us give thanks to Him for all mercy, grace, taufiq and His guidance that has been poured out to all of us, so that on this occasion we can gather and attend this event to commemorate the Hijri New Year or rather commemorate 1 Muharram 1439 H.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

This speech that I will present explains the Islamic new year. To face this Islamic new year, we must be very clever in correcting ourselves. What is the result of the deeds we have done, whether it is good or still bad. If we have improved it and if there are still many shortcomings or there is still ugliness we can fix it again.

As the word of Allah SWT on Al-Hashr: 8 which means the following:

"O believers! Take care of you to Allah and let every soul pay attention to what has been done for tomorrow.

The verse gives us an understanding that we are encouraged to fear God and correct each of us for the actions that we have done to face tomorrow (live in the future).

 ini biasanya dicari di saat menjelang perayaan  Teks Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tahun Baru Islam 2019
 Ladies and Gentlemen,

Caliph Umar Bin Khatab R.A has determined the calculation of the very popular year of Islam called the Hijri year. Because the first year was set to begin the migration of the Prophet Muhammad from the city of Makkah to the city of Medina, in 622 AD.

The purpose of Umar bin Khatab R.A's best friend chose the migration of the Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina as the most appropriate moment to determine the beginning of the year of Islam. Because the event contains meaning which is very important for the Muslim Ummah in particular and for the general ummah.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We are also ordered to have a pilgrimage as Rasulallah SAW was ordered to migrate. It's just that the migration that we have to do now is called hijrah qalbiyah, which is trying to improve and improve our quality. Trying to make our future better than the past. Let this day be better than yesterday and tomorrow must be better than today.

So the event of the Prophet's emigration, let us make it as a promoter or a driver to move from immorality to obedience, from polytheism to unity, from ignorance to progress and from poverty to sufficiency.

Closing the Islamic New Year Speech

Such is the speech that I can convey, hopefully this speech will be accompanied by guidance and blessing from Allah and we are given the length of life that we can use to do good deeds. Amiiin

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb

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