Belajar Listening TOEFL 5

Skill 5: Listen for Who And What in Passives (Perhatikan Siapa dan Apa dalam kalimat pasif)

Pelajar kadang menemukan kesulitan dalam mengidentifikasi siapa dan apa yang menjadi subjek dalam sebuah kalimat pasif. Permasalahan ini sering diujikan dalam sesi Listening Part A.

On the recording you hear:
(man)      : Did Sally go to the bank this morning?
(woman) : Yes, she did. She got a new checking account.
(Narrator)  : What does the woman imply?

In your test book, you read:
(A) Sally wrote several checks
(B) Sally wanted to check up on the bank.
(C) A new checking account was opened
(D) Sally checked on the balance in her account

Dalam percakapan di atas, pembicara perempuan menggunakan kalimat aktif yang bermakna bahwa Sally opened a checking account (Sally membuka sebuah akun cek). Jawaban yang tepat menggunakan struktur kalimat pasif yaitu checking account was opened. Kalimat pasif ini mempunyai makna yang sama dengan kalimat aktif yang dikatakan oleh si pembicara perempuan.

Hal-hal yang harus Anda perhatikan dalam sesi Listening Part A terkait penggunaan struktur kalimat pasif:
  1. Jika percakapan berisikan perkataan berbentuk pasif, maka sering jawaban yang tepat menggunakan kalimat aktif
  2. Jika percakapan berisikan perkataan berbentuk aktif, maka sering jawaban yang tepat menggunakan kalimat pasif.
EXERCISE 4: In this exercise, each of the correct answers is either a passive restatement of an active sentence or an active restatement of a passive sentence. Read the short conversation, and underline the key active or passive statement. Then read the question, and choose the best answer to the question. Make sure you understand who or what is doing the action in these passive sentences. Be careful about who and what with these passives. (Perhatikan terkait siapa dan apa dalam penggunaan kalimat pasif)

(Woman)  : Alice needs to pay her tuition today.
(Man)   : But her tuition has already been  paid.
(Narrator) : What does the man imply?

    (A) Alice's education has been paid 
    (B) Alice's tuition needs to be paid
    (C) Alice has already paid her fees.
    (D) Alice has already received the money

(Man)   :  Have you been taking good care of the lawn?
(Woman)  :  I watered it only this morning.
(Narrator) : What does the woman mean?

    (A) She drank some water on the lawn this morning
    (B) She waited for him on the lawn this morning.
    (C) The lawn has already been watered today.
    (D) She wanted a new lawn this morning  

(man)  : Did you hear the news about the child who was lost in the park?
(woman) : Yes, and I heard that she was just found.
(Narrator) What does the woman mean?

     (A) Someone located the girl
     (B) She heard about the new park from the child
     (C) The child found her loss pet
     (D) The child was the last one in the park

TOEFL EXERCISE 5: In this exercise, listen carefully to the short conversation and questions in the recording program, and then choose the best answer to the questions. You should be careful of passives. (Perhatikan penggunaan struktur kalimat pasif)
Click the audio below for the listening recording (the audio)
1. (A) If the restaurant is on the corner
    (B) If the man would like to go to the restaurant
    (C) If the vegetables are fresh
    (D) If vegetarian food can be obtained.
2. (A) He admitted that he wanted to go to law school in the fall
    (B) The law school accepted him as a student
    (C) The law professor admitted that he would be a student in the fall semester
    (D) He would be admitted to law school after the fall
3. (A) Mark's plants were cared for his absence
    (B) Mark's plan was to be out of town
    (C) Mark was careful about his plans for the out of town trip
    (D) She was careful while Mark was gone
4. (A) The lights in the trees were destroyed in the storm
    (B) The storm damaged the trees
    (C) The falling trees destroyed a store
    (D) In the light the destruction of the storm could be seen
5. (A) She was broke from skiing
    (B) She went skiing in spite of her accident
    (C) Her leg was hurt on skiing trip
    (D) Her skis were broken in the mountains
6. (A) The road the horses took was long and hard
    (B) It was hard to find the hidden houses
    (C) The riders worked the horses too much
    (D) It was hard for people to ride the horses for long
7. (A) He didn't want the coffee that the woman ordered
    (B) He wasn't sure if the woman wanted coffee
    (C) He assumed the woman had ordered coffee
    (D) He was unaware that coffee had already been ordered
8. (A) The car was in the left parking lot a the airport
    (B) The friends parked their car at the airport
    (C) The airport couldn't hold a lot of cars
    (D) There were a lot of cars to the left of the parking lot
9. (A) The students pointed at Mac.
    (B) Mac was present when the other students made the appointment.
    (C) The class representative suggested Mac to the other students.
    (D) Mac was chosen by his classmates to represent them
10. (A) After the earthquake, the insurance company came out to inspect the damage
      (B) The insurance company insisted that the building
          be repaired to meet earthquake safety standards.
      (C) The inhabitants paid their premium after the earthquake
      (D) The insurance company paid for the earthquake damage

Click here for the answer key.

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