Expressing Request Beserta Contoh Soal Terlengkap - Expressing Requests Beserta Contoh Soal Terlengkap. Kali ini saya akan menjelaskan tentang bagaimana cara menungkapkan suatu permintaan kepada seseorang dalam bahasa Inggris. Sebenarnya, untuk membuat request sangatlah mudah. Making request harus disampaikan dengan nada suara yang sopan serta diikuti gerak tubuh yang memeang menunjukkan kalau kita sedang membutuhtuhkan seseorang. Dalam postingan ini saya juga bagikan beberapa respon yang bisa digunakan. Biasanya, kita harus merespon terhadap permintaan seseorang dengan cara positif maupun negatif. Oleh karena itu, untuk setiap situasi tersebut saya juga akan membagikan beberapa expression yang bisa digunakan untuk merespon permintaan seseorang.

Berikut ini beberapa expression yang bisa kita gunakan dalam Making Request, mulai dari yang beginner sampai yang advance.

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...borrow... (from you)
...lend me...
Can I...?
Can you...?
Could I possibly...?
Could I...?
Could you possibly...?
Would you bring me...?
Could you...?
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
I need (to)... Can you help?
I'd be (very) grateful if you could...
May I...?


...would really help (me).
..., if it's not too much trouble.
Are you good at? ...
Can I request ...?
Do you have a/an...that you could lend me?
Would you like to put...?
Have you got a/an/any...that I could borrow?
Have you got time to...?
I don't think I can do...on my own.
I heard that you are good at.../know about...
I need your/some help with...
I'd like to request...
Thanks in advance for...
You can..., can't you? Well,...


...and I'll do the same for you some day.
...said you were the best person to ask for/about...
...if it's not too much trouble.
...lend me a hand (with...)
...suggested I ask for your help with...
Can/Could I ask you to...?
Could I/you by any chance...?
Do you think you could...?
I heard that you are an expert on...
If you could..., I'd/I'll...
If you're not too busy,...
If..., that would be a great help.
Would it be possible for you to...?
Would you mind (...)?
I wonder if you could hand me that book over there, please.
You're good at..., aren't you?
I have a request (for you)....
Help me (to)..., will you?

Responding Positively

Of course
With pleasure
Yes, certainly

Responding Negatively

I'm sorry, but I can't. I'm very busy for the moment.
I'm sorry, but no!
No, certainly not
No, I'd be happy to
Sorry, I wish I could
I'm afraid I can't

Zacky: Hi, Jesica. How are you?
Jesica: I'm good. What about you?
Zacky: I'm very well, thanks. I need your help.
Jesica: What is it?
Zacky: I forget to bring my mobile phone. I'm going to borrow yours to call my mom. Would you mind lending it?
Jesica: Oh, no problem. Here it is.
Zacky: Okey, thanks. Wait a minute, I will call my mom.
Jesica: Okay, I'm waiting here.
Zacky: Jesica, I need your help one more, Do you have some money?
Jesica: Yes, I have some.
Zacky: I left my wallet at home. Could you borrow me Rp. 50.000,00. I need to buy something.
Jesica: Sure! here you are.

Zacky: Hi, Jesica. Apa kabar?
Jesica: Saya baik. Bagaimana dengan kamu?
Zacky: Saya sangat baik, terima kasih. Saya butuh bantuanmu.
Jesica: Apa itu?
Zacky: Saya lupa membawa ponsel saya. Saya ingin meminjam punyamu untuk menelepon ibuku. Maukah kamu meminjamkan?
Jesica: Oh, tidak ada masalah. Ini dia.
Zacky: Okey, terima kasih. Tunggu sebentar, saya akan menelepon ibu saya.
Jesica: Oke, aku menunggu di sini.
Zacky: Jesica, aku butuh bantuanmu satu lagi, apakah kamu memiliki uang?
Jesica: Ya, saya memiliki beberapa.
Zacky: Saya meninggalkan dompet di rumah. Bisakah kamu meminjam saya Rp. 50.000,00. Saya perlu membeli sesuatu.
Jesica: Nah, ini uangnya.

Contoh Percakapan 1
Iqbal: Hallo, Jane. What are you doing?
Jane: I'm watching youtube. look! they are very funny.
Iqbal: I know this channel. It is FouseyTUBE channel, He has nine million subscribers to his YouTube channel, and more than 1 billion people have watched his channel.
Jane: You now him so well.
Iqbal: Yeah! I have wathched all of his videos, his most popular video Mortal Kombat Elevator Prank. It's really funny prank.
Jane: Do you have youtube channel?
Iqbal: Yes, I have iTapuih channel, It's about learning English.
Jane: Really! Can you create one for me?
Iqbal: Yes of course, but wait the minutes. Can I get some coffee, please?
Jane: Okay, I will make special one for you.
Iqbal: Nice! Thank you.
Jane: You are welcome.

Contoh Percakapan 2
Mandy: Hello.
Cindy: Hi, Mandy. It’s Jill. I’m still at work.
Mandy: Work? I thought you got off work at 4:00.
Cindy: I was supposed to but I had to meet the boss. Listen. I’m running late. Could you do me a favour?
Mandy: Sure. Anything. What do you need?
Cindy: I will hold my daughter's birthday party tonight. Could you pick up my daughter at school?
Mandy: I’ll do that right now. Anything else?
Cindy: Nope. That’s it. Oh. By the way, I’ll be stopping by the store on the way home. Do you need anything?
Mandy: Yeah. Actually, I do. We’re out of bread. Would you mind picking some up from the bakery?
Cindy: No problem. I should be home in an hour. See you soon.
Mandy: Actually, I’ll probably be gone by the time you get here. I’m meeting some friends for coffee.
Cindy: Ok then. See you later tonight. Have fun. 

Exercise: Answer the following questions!
Complete the dialogue below (for questions number 1 and 2) 
Mona : I’m sorry, Do you mind if I leave early today? I’m going to take my cat to see the vet.
Liza : You’re going to take your cat to the vet? What’s the matter with your cat?
Mona : Hmmmm. I don’t know. That’s why I’m going to take him to the vet’s.
Liza : Oh, I see. Sure, go ahead.
1. What happens with Mona?
A. She should go back early to check her cat
B. She want go home late
C. She leave early, because Her cat died
D. She need to see a doctor
E. She has a lot of cat

2. The underlined expression expresses ....
A. Expressing satisfaction
B. Expressing dissatisfaction
C. Expressing like
D. Expressing dislike
E. Expressing request

Rendy : Hello, _________________ the music down, please? It’s one o’clock and I’m trying to sleep.
Alex : Oh, sorry. Is that better?
Rendy : Yes, Thanks . Perhaps I can get some sleep now. Good night.
3. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
A. Can you throw
B. Can you destroy
C. Can you turn
D. Don't make
E. I really hate

Ronald : David, do you have your mobile phone with you?
David : Um... yes. Why?
Ronald : Can I borrow it, please? I need to make a quick call to my mother.
David : I'm sorry, but I am running out of mobile credit.
4. From the dialogue we know that ...
A. David borrows Ronals's phone to call his mom
B. David wants to call his mother with his phone
C. Ronald and David don't have mobile phone
D. Ronald needs to borrow David's phone, but he can't give it
E. Ronald doesn't have phone's credit

5. You would like someone to take a photo of you in front of a famous monument. Making a polite request for this situation.
A. Hey! take some photos of me
B. Can you take a picture for me
C. Can I take your picture, please
D. Could you take some pictures of me
E. Would I take some pictures of you

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